
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

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The Toronto Blue Jays have sold out tonight’s game by offering tickets for $1. Meanwhile, Texas Rangers star short-stop Alex Rodriguez (and others) plan on staying in their hotel rooms between games due to fears over the SARS scare in Toronto.

Interesting. Considering that there are only 250 cases in that city — a city of 2.5 million people — you have a 1 in 10,000 chance of catching SARS. Ah well, I guess they should be lucky they aren’t playing in China.

I think, perhaps, that I’d be a little more scared that I’m in a domeable stadium packed to the brim with 50,000 people with extra beer money and cell phones they can throw at Carl Everett.

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Apr 29 2003 ~ 1:34 pm ~ Comments Off ~

dredged from the Drudge

NBC’s Banfield Chided Over Criticisms.

Quote: NBC insiders said few people took Banfield’s comments seriously because of her lack of experience — she is largely working for MSNBC these days, and her primetime show on the network failed last summer. “I don’t think people look to Ashleigh Banfield to set the standards of journalism,” one person said about the reaction inside the department. “People were sort of rolling their eyes.”

Oh, she’s just a silly woman with no experience! She’s only been working hard news in front of a camera for 14 years! She’s no Kronkite, that’s for sure! Broads! In broadcasting!

Ech. What wasn’t mentioned is that she praised NBC’s coverage in her comments (as I noted hither).

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~ 10:15 am ~ Comments Off ~

After googling for even the tiniest scrap of info on Project Improv (you’ll remember that as Nick’s former Improv troupe here in Louisville — before his ROCKET TO STARDOM :) ), and finding little, I’ve thrown together a Project Improv Tribute Page. Google, eat THAT up.

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Apr 28 2003 ~ 9:47 am ~ Comments (5) ~

Check out the miniMarathon gallery.

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~ 8:30 am ~ Comments (2) ~

whilst checking out thelocust[dot]org’s stats, I noticed a suprising number of referrers from a url by the name of NASIOC. Further searching my logs, it turns out that my pic of Gary that I made in honor of his west-ward trek had apparently made it onto a thread in their forums called “Really Terrible Pictures of Random People“. Funny stuff. Most of them aren’t “terrible pictures”, mind you, and I still think that that photo holds some very funny water.

Oh, you might noticed that I have disabled my image-stealing technology as it was wreaking havoc on random installations of Internet Explorer.

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~ 8:14 am ~ Comments (2) ~

one year

well, it’s been a year since kelly and i got married. This time a year ago, Kelly and I were getting ready to go on our big honeymoon trip. Care to reminisce? Check out the big fat honeymoon gallery.

Kelly and I celebrated this day by Kelly running in her first miniMarathon, which she finished triumphantly even after her knee gave her troubled. We then retired home for a bit, and then went out to see our beloved Louisville Bats get trounced by the Toledo Mud Hens. Shanghai Knights was also seen at the Village 8 theatre for a whopping $2. Yay!

Well, so far, it’s been a very good year. Looking forward to another and another and another…. yay!

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Apr 27 2003 ~ 12:51 am ~ Comments (11) ~

Read this article summarizing her speech on the coverage (mainly cable new coverage) of “Gulf War 2″.

Quote: “We didn’t see what happened after mortars landed, only the puff of smoke. There were horrors that were completely left out of this war. So was this journalism? Or was this coverage?”

Also, in other news — SHE IS HOT. Rowr! Glasses, intellect, cute crooked smile! Yeesh. Devastating.

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Apr 25 2003 ~ 2:23 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Life imitating art — G.I.’s ARRESTED IN $1M SWAG SNAG. Maybe they rented Three Kings?

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Apr 22 2003 ~ 2:41 pm ~ Comments Off ~

“For Janet, her help came from her faith, but it also came from a squirrel…”

Kelly and I have installed a bird-feeder out front of our yard. We have a pair of water-maples out there with some branches are fairly odd angles (parallel to the ground for a good distance). These branches are good for hanging things on, you see. Things such as bird feeders. Now, we filled up the bird feeder on Saturday, and our bird feeder has a capacity of up to 4 pounds of food (no word on actual *volume*). Today, as of this morning, the food was approximately two-thirds gone. I don’t care how many birds you have eating, that’s a lot of food for finches. Perhaps this is the work of a SQUIRREL? My hypothesis is no. Others say yes. In any case, I need proof. VISUAL PROOF. More later.

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~ 1:50 pm ~ Comments (4) ~


I released instantRSS to Freshmeat. What is instantRSS, you say? Well, it’s a simple way to add an RSS feed to your blog/site/whatever. Just tag your page accordingly (see the docs for more info on the tags) and then point instantRSS at that page, and it will spit back RSS at you.

If you don’t know what RSS is, well check this out. And then peep thelocust[dot]org’s RSS

update: Freshmeat put it up on the frontpage, and the listing is here

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Apr 18 2003 ~ 10:00 am ~ Comments Off ~
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