
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

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just a couple of photos and a pan from the Louisville Bats game on Sunday (Mother’s Day). check them out here.

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May 13 2003 ~ 1:18 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

Sweating while sleeping, and when attempting to sleep, being woken up every hour on the hour. It’s AWESOME. On the upside, they apparently have shows on television at 6:30 AM. Wild stuff, I tell you.

Well, this danged viral respiratory infection put me down for most of Sunday and Monday and came with a fever to boot. I actually had to call-in to work on Monday, a first for me. I guess that is better than spouting virus-laden droplets to my co-workers. Needless to say, I’m better now.

update: this just in. i’m running another fever. damn.

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~ 8:17 am ~ Comments (2) ~

a little passage from Warren Ellis on social software from his Die Puny Humans! blog:

And I said, that’s all very well, but having run a massive forum for four and a half years, I think you have to accept that email lists are an old, low-fi technology, and you can create tight community bonds by making the community space a destination, rather than a constellation of live points, and one where people can express visually. Once you see a person’s face, where they live and what they do, the tone of the interaction changes. The net became The Big Electronic Arguing Machine because everyone is anonymous. People find it easier to abuse people they don’t know — depersonalised figures on the other end of the line. Images change online community interaction in a radical way. (And I’ve married more people than Reverend Moon because of it.)

i love me some Ellis, i do. while you’re at it, why don’t you read the whole post?

update: Warren Ellis interview @ Slashdot.

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May 9 2003 ~ 10:28 am ~ Comments (16) ~

so, for the second time in a couple of months, I heard mention of The Bad Plus on WFPL, one (1) of our (3) local public radio stations. The Bad Plus is billed as “jazz with a rock soul”, and are credited with “single handedly making jazz relevant again”. I can’t really support the latter claim, being no jazz aficionado. I do know that they are drums, bass and piano.

Their most apparent claim-to-fame is their cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana, but that one serves to rubberneck folks into paying attention to The Bad Plus. Having listened to the samples of These are the Vistas, I can say that that track stands by itself as an interesting deconstruction, but the samples I heard for “1972 Bronze Medalist” and “Flim” tell me that they are deeper than that. I need to get that disc. In the meantime, listen to NPR‘s All Songs Considered In-Studio with The Bad Plus.

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~ 8:25 am ~ Comments Off ~

In a feat of blog style incest, whereas Jackson stole one of my posts, I shall in turn steal from him.

start gank
Turns out Dear Raed is back, via a friend.
end gank.

While snooping through SNITCH, I found that they have a Rick Collett archive! Rick is a ex-motorcyle-gang member who spent 9 years in jail, and writes a weekly column for SNITCH detailing his experiences “inside”. Rick’s writing style is clean and crisp, always entertaining, and he makes some wonderfully interesting parallels between the “outside” and “inside” worlds. For whatever reason, I have strange affinity for information about the whole social structure of prison, and reading Rick’s column is like watching some Discovery channel special (not to demean his column, mind you). Ah well, you should either pick up a copy of SNITCH at a local retailer (look for the huge stacks of un-read LEO Magazine nearby), or go and read some of Rick’s stuff. Stick around for other great writers and their articles, too.

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May 8 2003 ~ 3:35 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Kelly and I went up to the BBC last night to catch a Bluegrass Anonymous jam. Met Jackson, M@, and Sara up there (Ronen was strangely absent).

I took a pan of the Bier Garden, and it can be found in its full glory here.

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~ 8:39 am ~ Comments (2) ~


Whilst browsing Caleb O. Brown’s blog, I responded to his plea for comments on SNITCH‘s website. I suggested an RSS feed of the always popular ZIP Code Crime Watch. He replied nicely saying that “they’d do that in the future”, and that I should link to Snitch, as he was their webmaster and links keep webmasters in business. Who am I to argue? Heh. Well, he *is* an alumnus of UofL (yeah, I remember your ‘laissez faire’ hat, and yer comic with Sam), so I’ve obliged. Note link on left. Now, go read the ZIP Code Crime Watch.

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May 6 2003 ~ 6:17 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Two things:

I like Public Radio, but I wish I could hear more of the programming that is out there. Well, thanks to, I can pick and choose from the dozens of public radio stations streaming live on the web.

As far as Public Urination goes, I’m not as big a fan, but thanks to the MIT Media Lab, that could change. You see, they’ve made peeing much more fun (video).

links shamelessly ripped from memepool

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~ 1:21 pm ~ Comments Off ~


what do you get when you mix the dynamism of the Pixies, the contempt and satire of this whole “rock and roll thing” from Tenacious D with a good smattering of the playful rock of Blur?

I think that you might just get Mclusky. I’ll admit to having heard their single “Allan is a Cowboy Killer” on WOXY, and having liked that a great deal, I checked out the website and stumbled upon the rock that is Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues. I finally remembered to pick up their LP “Mclusky Do Dallas” released way back in Apr 2001. With song titles like “The World Loves Us and Is Our Bitch”, how can you go wrong?

That linked article compares them to The Strokes and The Hives, but I don’t think that’s really all that fair. The Strokes and The Hives are far too clean and tight to be put into the same group. One comparison I *do* think is fair is Flipper, the Pixies, and maybe some more balls-out Blur stuff. Mclusky is hard-working, guts and glory rock. Anyway, I’m no good for a review at this point, so just go and download some MP3s and give it a twirl.

You may want to read the Pitchfork review of Do Dallas.

Also check‘s review here. (She mentions Damion Albarn from Blur, and even the Pixies, so I feel justified in my earlier comparisons).

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May 5 2003 ~ 10:08 am ~ Comments Off ~

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May 2 2003 ~ 2:07 pm ~ Comments (6) ~
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