“For Janet, her help came from her faith, but it also came from a squirrel…”
Kelly and I have installed a bird-feeder out front of our yard. We have a pair of water-maples out there with some branches are fairly odd angles (parallel to the ground for a good distance). These branches are good for hanging things on, you see. Things such as bird feeders. Now, we filled up the bird feeder on Saturday, and our bird feeder has a capacity of up to 4 pounds of food (no word on actual *volume*). Today, as of this morning, the food was approximately two-thirds gone. I don’t care how many birds you have eating, that’s a lot of food for finches. Perhaps this is the work of a SQUIRREL? My hypothesis is no. Others say yes. In any case, I need proof. VISUAL PROOF. More later.
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Squirrel cam! You know you want to… 24 hour live feed!
ha! now that’s funny. “live feed”. AND HOW!
so… if it’s funny, where is it?
seriously. i wanna see the “live feed” of your squirrel er… i mean *bird* feeder.
dammit man! i haven’t had the time, and the weather has been shitty. at the moment, the birdfeeder is empty, as those gluttonous winged beasts emptied it a couple of days ago. O’er the weekend I hope to have something going. More later.