one year
well, it’s been a year since kelly and i got married. This time a year ago, Kelly and I were getting ready to go on our big honeymoon trip. Care to reminisce? Check out the big fat honeymoon gallery.
Kelly and I celebrated this day by Kelly running in her first miniMarathon, which she finished triumphantly even after her knee gave her troubled. We then retired home for a bit, and then went out to see our beloved Louisville Bats get trounced by the Toledo Mud Hens. Shanghai Knights was also seen at the Village 8 theatre for a whopping $2. Yay!
Well, so far, it’s been a very good year. Looking forward to another and another and another…. yay!
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Yeah, btw, Congrats! (Better late than never.)
holly reads my website! i am a happy man!
I have about 5 hours to kill each night at work, so yes indeed. I do read it. It’s good stuff, Maynard! ;)
Bajoran McWrinklynose? I mean I get the reference, but *who* is it? Do I know you?
And more importantly, can you place the episode from which “Shifter! Freak!” comes? If you can, you’re a bigger geek than I.
I cannot name it. Sorry. My interest in Star Trek is pretty much only Level 1. Enjoy it, but couldn’t map out a timeline for ya. However, just a guess is the one where people think that Odo has killed someone… is that right? The memory is vague so I may be way off base.
very good, holly. Odo had in fact been implicated by an angry mob!
That is indeed the episode. The primary Bajoran who is anti-Odo is played by a guy who just chews the scenery with absolute delight. In the mob scenes he is screaming “Shifter! Freak!” with joyous abandon. Ben and I are fascinated by this man.
because we should.
The star of Port Charles!