
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.


Hola muchachos! I’m here in Orlando this week for the php|architect php|tek conference. PHP is the programming language that powers this site, and I have the opportunity (thanks to work) to attend this year. The keynote speaker is Rasmus Lerdorf the guy who started PHP, so I’m pretty hyped.

“All this for a programming language?” you say! Why, sure, yes. PHP is one of the best languages for creating dynamic web (and otherwise) content, and I have used it to create things such as phpfeed and instantRSS, both which enjoy(ed) moderate success and allowed me to further my knowledge of the language. Not to mention this site, among many other sites with which I have been involved.

So, all ye nerds, stay tuned. I’m staying at the Marriot Airport Orlando, and I should be blogging throughout the week-long conference, as php|tek has graciously offered up a WiFi access point for our usage.


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Apr 24 2006 ~ 11:28 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Prius GT?

Kelly and I, for a while now, have been enamored with the Toyota Prius, a gas/electric hybrid that gets roughly 50 miles to the gallon. It’s surprisingly roomy and the drive is nice, and it’s a Toyota, so it has a good safety and service track record. Also, it’s got wicked technical props as well – like the fighter-cockpit-style heads-up display as well as a sweet color touchscreen that controls the interior systems. I mean, duh! It’s a battery powered car with a computer in it. IT MUST BE MINE.

It retails for $21K or so, and so it was out of mine and Kelly’s range for a few years, but now with us very close to not having a car payment and my car (a beloved 1997 Nissan Maxima) getting very close to 100k miles, it would seem the time is nigh for a new auto.

Problem is this – Prius’ ’round these parts rarely sell for their stock MSRP of $21K. In fact, over at Toyota of Louisville, they slid a number across the table to me that included a $3000 mark-up, which I called them on. But lo’, these are the days of the Internet. Thanks to sites like Intellichoice, I know the invoice and MSRP prices of the car, as well as the option packages. Thanks to the Prius-centric, I am fully aware of all retailers in North America selling their Prius’ for MSRP or under, and current deals and inventory levels. It’s only a seller’s market when the buyer is in the dark, methinks. Currently, I’ve got a lead on Prius’ in Washington DC selling for $1700 UNDER MSRP. A plane ride and a car trip could well save me a net $1000. Not bad, eh? We’ll see. Stay tuned!

Update 2006.04.07: My 97 Nissan Maxima busted it’s proverbial gut last night. After getting it back from Smith Import Car Service for the 3rd time in 2 weeks, the radiator busted! Excellent. That car knows it’s being sold.

Further update 2006.04.17: Kelly and I ordered a Prius from Greentree Toyota last Friday! Either in the Magnetic Gray or the Barcelona Red color. It’ll be ordered by the dealer on Thursday. No definite word on the wait just yet, but it would seem like 30-60 days.

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Apr 4 2006 ~ 9:37 am ~ Comments (3) ~

fallen bathroom

(13:57:25) jacksoncooper: hey

(14:15:31) benATthelocust: hey there

(14:15:47) jacksoncooper: so, WoW, huh?

(14:15:55) benATthelocust: (btw – there is nothing like using a restroom and thinking that a man might fall through the ceiling onto you)

(14:15:59) benATthelocust: yeah

(14:16:01) benATthelocust: WoW

(14:16:16) jacksoncooper: heh

(14:16:47) jacksoncooper: hey, that new laptop is kicking ass.

(14:17:30) benATthelocust: HOLY SHIT

(14:17:31) benATthelocust: dude

(14:17:33) benATthelocust: dude

(14:17:43) benATthelocust: as soon as i typed that thing about the ceiling

(14:17:48) benATthelocust: IT ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENED

(14:17:55) benATthelocust: THIS IS THE TRUTH

(14:18:02) jacksoncooper: what the hell?

(14:18:09) benATthelocust: I heard a mad clatter in the john and ran in there and there is a dude in the fucking ceiling

(14:18:18) benATthelocust: tiles and all sorts of shit where i was just sitting

(14:18:42) jacksoncooper: damn

Excuse the cursing, but I had just recently foreseen and forestalled my own peril. At that moment, cursing was and is necessary.

Update: I will have a photo later.

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Jan 24 2006 ~ 1:25 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

Man – been a busy time as of late with ol’ Ben! Let’s get down to business…

First off, I’ve been embroiled in a huge project here at work to launch 6 (count them one two three four five six) websites for a company called Heatcraft in less than a month. It couldn’t have been possible without the help of Yukon Charnelius and the venerable m@.

Secondly, yes, it’s true: I have been playing World of Warcraft, and yes, it is everything that they say it is. Deep, engulfing, wide, full of content and as addictive as crack. Me? I’m a 15th-level Dwarven Paladin name of Cramfist on server Akama.

Nextly, or perhaps thirdly, ol’ Cholly and I have regularly been playing chess. Currently, the record stands at 5-4-1 with me holding a tenuous lead. Ideas are underway to create a Web 2.0 site for chess. We’ll see if it takes off…

Lastly, on the soaring front… You may remember that last year I built a sailplane over the winter. This year is much the same, but improved! I’m building a bigger version of the one I did last year with help from a new friendship with Denny @ Polecat Aeroplane Works (I did his site for him, too).

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Jan 23 2006 ~ 9:04 am ~ Comments (7) ~

Kelly atop the table

Focused readers of this site know that I enjoy “do-it-yourself” stuff, from my own software projects, to all that soaring stuff and I’ve even made my own beer (not to mention the picnic table)

In a world where most every thing we could want is ready-made and cheaply available from Wal-Mart or Target, there is a certain romantic and satisfying (to some) ideal in making your own whatever, be it a scarf, or a hat, or even a microprocessor-controlled lost-model-alarm.

Last year, I was alerted that the venerable O’Reilly publishing company was going to publish a magazine for DIYers called (aptly) MAKE. It’s a great compilation of geeky and not-so-geeky DIY projects from Kite Aerial Photography to Making Your Own Biodiesel to learning to weld! And, on a not-so-side note, for a day-to-day DIY fix, make sure to check out the MAKE:blog.

Finally, what really fueled this post was Talk of the Nation‘s interview with the editors of both MAKE and ReadyMade magazines back on December 28th, called Inside the World of “Do-It-Yourself”. Give it a listen.

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Jan 3 2006 ~ 10:18 am ~ Comments Off ~

The weather sages around town say that snow en-quantite’ is incoming to Louisville tomorrow, so in reaction I’ve updated my silly little exploding snowflake javascript thing called snow2. Originally written way back in 2002 (also here), it has been updated to work in today’s modern browsers. Enjoy!

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Dec 7 2005 ~ 1:59 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Kelly and I got married waaaay back on April 26th, 2002, and the next day we set off on our “Out West Road Trip” of a honeymoon. I made travelogues each day and uploaded photos at night from our hotel rooms, but had never entered them into the ‘blog until just now.

So, without further ado:

Honeymoon Day #1: Giant Ketchup and St. Louis, Gateway to the

Honeymoon Day #2: Beneath the arch, above the city

Honeymoon Day #3: Albino Squirreltown #1, OKC

Honeymoon Day #4: OKC to Albuquerque, NM via Amarillo, TX

Honeymoon Day #5: Wrong turns in Albuquerque, Navajo Radio, Meteor Crater and White Buffalo

Honeymoon Day #6: Grand Canyon, Tuba City, Navajo Country, Squeaking through Wolf Creek Pass

Honeymoon Day #7: The Genoa Wonder Tower Oddyssey, Kansas, Spiderman

Honeymoon Day #8: Hays, KS to St. Louis, MO

Honeymoon Day #9: Busch Stadium, Squirrelville #2, and home.

I suggest you start at the beginning and use the new, handy “Back to previous entry” and “Onward to next entry” links to get to the next day! And for more travel excitement, you can also now browse the blog by topics.

For the visual lot, there is also the Honeymoon Gallery with pictures from the entire trip (but that has been there all along).


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Nov 30 2005 ~ 2:59 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Update 4: Technology Fails Us, Kelly Finishes Despite it all!

stuck on train

So, after the Damen Avenue stop, I headed back down the Blue Line to transfer to the Red Line at Jackson Station. And then things got hairy. Packed trains and we sat on the tracks for a good 15-20 minutes waiting for the platform to clear — I assume this is so that people won’t be sucked onto the electrified tracks. Anyway, I last saw Kelly at approximately 10:44 AM at the 15 mile marker. The next vantage was at Chinatown/Cermak station at the 21.5 mile marker, approximately 1 hour of Kelly-time away (11:45). I was sitting on the train when I assumed Kelly would have passed the Chinatown stop, so I went on to the Sox/35th station, which turned out to be the best viewing anyway — and about 95% less the people. Awesome. Despite that good fortune I did not see Kelly. I got there about 11:50 and stayed until 12:15, sure in the idea that Kelly had slipped by my wily gaze. I don’t know if she did or not, but I captured a photo of Comiskey Park. Dejected, I headed back down the Red Line to Roosevelt Station and the finish line. Expecting a notification on my phone when she passed 40k (as I had gotten a 10k, half-way (21k) and a 30k notification) I thought either Kelly had been eaten by bears or technology had failed us! Oh dear oh dear.


Realizing the absolute throng of people in the park at the finish, I decided to head down past the finish to the “Reunion Stations”, at our pre-planned “Q” for “Quincy” meet-up. What a goddamned HUDDLED MASS of people! I was in human stand-still traffic for about 15 minutes. Insanity. Thank god I’m not claustrophobic. I would have been instantly melted (while the “Married with Children” theme went through my head, as the Buckingham Fountain was always within site. 20 minutes later, Kelly spotted my sign and we had a sweaty, achy reunion. 5 minutes later my phone pinged me to say Kelly had crossed the finish line at 4 hours, 50 minutes.


Off to the hotel! Where we are immediately told that our reservations have been cancelled! Cancelled! Woe is technology! Woe is us! Kelly immediately gets her “stern voice” on telling the embattled front-desk agent Ahmad that “our credit cards have already been charged”. Long story short, Expedia was called, a FAX was exchanged and now we’re reserved in the computer and that means we’re golden — virtually. However, there were a crapload of people who checked out late due to the marathon, so we are waiting on a king bed to be cleaned. And here we sit.

PS — Ever seen that old SNL sketch “Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger! Pepsi!” about the Greek guys running a grill? IT IS HERE IN THE HOTEL I SWEAR IT. Replete with Greeks! (Maybe Armenians, Mediterraneans in any case). I will eat here every day and order a cheeseburger and Pepsi (they actually carry Pepsi) even if I’m not hungry.

Update 3: Malcolm X Supplemental!

Just saw Kelly and Howard at corner of Jackson and Damen. Both looked good and were right on time for their pace — looks like they are at about 10 minute pace. Next stop: Cermak/Chinatown at the 21.5 mile marker. They should arrive about 11:45 or a little after.

Update #2: 10:24 AM CST Location: Malcolm X College Lawn, Jackson and Damen Streets. Wireless Strength: Excellent.

On the Lawn

Last saw Kelly at Cornelia and Broadway in Wrigleyville around the 8 mile marker. Both she and Howard were responsive and ambulatory! Even had a chance to wave and smile. Awesome. Got notification that they had passed 10k (6.2miles) at 1:13, which is right on target.

I went back to Addison Station on the Red Line, boarded a packed train headed to Jackson Station. Transferred to Blue Line, got off at Medical Center stop. Good vantage point here, right at the turn onto Jackson, which leads runners back into the city.

Just now received word via email that Kelly has passed the halfway point! Huzzah! Kelly,Wilson,02:24:25.00 @ Halfway They actually picked up a little speed here! Halfway is about 21k.

Update #1: 8:57 AM CST. Location: Caribou Coffee, 3500 N Halsted Ave, Wrigleyville


Kelly and I met up with Howard and Harry (also from Louisville) this AM on Congress Avenue at about 7AM. Not as cold as we had expected, and the high should only reach about 70 degrees today. Good weather for running (so I’m told).

Lou Crew

I stuck around with Kelly until about 7:35 or so, and walked with her up to about the 10-minute pace mark in the starting queue. This thing is hugeness on a level I’ve rarely experienced before! I don’t actually intend on seeing Kelly until the finish (we are meeting at the “Q” meetup station. Our last name is “Quincy” if anyone asks). So, I took the L back up to the Addison (Wrigleyville) station and hiked a few blocks up to this coffee house to do an update. It’s pretty close to the 8 mile marker, where hopefully the crowd will have thinnned out a little bit and I can catch a glimpse of Kelly. Hard to say, tho’.


Howard tells us that his last run he took before leaving Louisville provided a good omen! He has a route he runs that is normally 3 miles or so — but he took a bit of a detour, and when he got back home and checked his handy-dandy pedometer-watch thing, it read 2.62 miles! (26.2 being the distance of the marathon). Awesome!

More later!

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Oct 9 2005 ~ 8:07 am ~ Comments (2) ~

And here I am, twenty-seven! That most magical of ages where major-league baseball players hit their strides and rock-and-roll stars die in drug-fueled embraces.

According to Wikipedia, a great number of things happened on August 18th throughout antiquity. Among them: the discovery of helium (1868), Hitler temporarily halts the euthanasia of the mentally ill and handicapped (1941), Jimi Hendrix takes the stage on the last official day of Woodstock (1969). Other birthdays include Denis Leary, Patrick Swayze, Max Factor, Ed Norton and Christian Slater.

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Aug 18 2005 ~ 12:24 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

HLG winners

Hey hey! Back from the NATS for a short time… I’m leaving again this evening to fly in the 2-meter competition on Monday and Tuesday.

Well, as it turns out, I managed to get 4th place in the Handlaunch event! Wow! I’m pleasantly surprised. I even led my mentor, Bruce Davidson, for a couple of rounds there. It was truly surreal. I was in 2nd place up until the last round, when I really blew it! I scored only 549 points out of 1000 and frittered away my 2nd place finish. Ah well, too much fun! By the way — the term “getting wood” means getting a trophy, which is usually a plaque.

I received quite a few kudos from some really top-notch pilots, only adding to the elation of hearing my named called at a national-level soaring event! Dang.

You can check out more photos from my NATS trip here: 2005 NATS Gallery @

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Jul 24 2005 ~ 11:27 am ~ Comments (2) ~
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