Hola muchachos! I’m here in Orlando this week for the php|architect php|tek conference. PHP is the programming language that powers this site, and I have the opportunity (thanks to work) to attend this year. The keynote speaker is Rasmus Lerdorf the guy who started PHP, so I’m pretty hyped.
“All this for a programming language?” you say! Why, sure, yes. PHP is one of the best languages for creating dynamic web (and otherwise) content, and I have used it to create things such as phpfeed and instantRSS, both which enjoy(ed) moderate success and allowed me to further my knowledge of the language. Not to mention this site, LouisvilleSoaring.org among many other sites with which I have been involved.
So, all ye nerds, stay tuned. I’m staying at the Marriot Airport Orlando, and I should be blogging throughout the week-long conference, as php|tek has graciously offered up a WiFi access point for our usage.
Technorati: phptek
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