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Hello LPAS Families and Friends! Below are my notes from the June 15th 2021 LPAS SBDM standing meeting.

Note: I’m one of two parent reprensentatives, so my notes are slanted towards parent/family topics. As far as notes go, they are probably incomplete, and are definitely not “official”. Official agendas and approved minutes are posted on the LPAS SBDM page and JCPS SBDM Council and Standing Committee Minutes site.

June 15, 2021 Agenda

Good News

  • Great to finish out year with celebrations (three field days, including NTI)
  • Promotion for Kindergarten and 5th Grade (8 events!)
  • Steven Rahe, theatre teacher at Western Middle is here, he’s in a principal mentoring program. (PS he has no intenions of leaving Western, but he’s getting his masters!)
  • Western Middle is looking for a new principal - hiring started this week.

Committee Reports

CSIP Survey The Comprehensive School Survey was completed!

Backpack of Success. n/a

Racial Equity Waiting on EMPT feedback.


  • Farewell Ms. Maulik (2nd) and Ms. Wermuth (4th)
  • Also… breaking news: Ms. Craven has left for Bloom Elementary due to family needs!
  • New hire Ms. McGee will be teaching first grade, Ms. Coots (1st) will be moving to second grade.
  • New hire Melissa Miller (mom of two LPAS students - Lorelei and Piper) will be picking up Ms. Wermuth’s position.
  • New hire Ms. Parker will be teaching 5th grade.

Student Achievement Updates

We received a brief update based upon grades from first three quarters of the school year. Our students did see a decline from first quarter to third quarter in this school year - but Ms. Case noted it was a consistent decline across gender and race. In short: all students suffered over NTI.

Safety Plan

Working to update Safety Plan. District is planning on providing cameras to all schools who do not currently have them “within the next two years”. So the funding we had outlined for that might come back to us.

Policy Review

Extracurricular Programs Did a first reading of our edits from last month. Nothing new!

Classroom Assessment Reviewed. No edits.

Improvement Planning Reviewed. No edits.

Primary Program Ms. Case would like to review other schools policies here before our next reading.

Old Business ### No old business.

New Business

SBDM Elections and Replacements Ms. Craven needs to be replaced on SBDM. Some confusion on when terms ended - for example Ms. Craven’s term ended January 2021 though our bylaws indicated terms end Sept 30th after two years. Ms. Jones will be marking our expiration dates on the meeting notes to keep this transparent.

  • Ms. Roth & Mr. Evans expires September 30 2021.
  • Ms. St John, Me expires September 30 2022.

The PTA holds our SBDM elections - so if families have questions on how / when that will take place, you should contact the LPAS PTA President. Traditionally, it has taken place during our Fall Festival in October, but there is also an Open House planned for September 23, 2021.

See you in August!