
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

Two new galleries up today! Thunder Over Louisville 2004 and some photos I took of the kitties wearing beads.

bocephus with beads


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Apr 21 2004 ~ 12:28 pm ~ Comments (7) ~

Brand new, just for you. I have been working on this redesign for longer than I care to mention (most of that time being me fiddling with the portfolio section.

The new design is intended to be very clean, and very easy to redesign, as it is completely controlled via CSS. Long explanation short, Cascading Style Sheets are a way to “style” HTML from a central point, and you can control a LOT of stuff, including font size, line spacing, block positioning, colors, overlapping, nerd nerd, nerd nerd nerd, nerd. In any case, to give you an idea of the “power of CSS”, I suggest you take a look at CSS Zen Garden, which is a showcase of a single HTML page, but with different style sheets submitted by different people. Each stylesheet radically redesigns the HTML, but keeps the content the same.

In any case, I hope you enjoy the new design, and let me know what you think!

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Apr 14 2004 ~ 9:42 am ~ Comments (2) ~

church sign

Visit the Church Sign Generator to make your own…

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Mar 11 2004 ~ 11:22 am ~ Comments (4) ~

Aw man, a whole MONTH and nothing new. Damn. Well, I can tell you I’ve been busy. I can tell you that, but it’s really a lie. I just haven’t had much to report on lately. Spring’s thaw is almost here, which is good, because I was feeling the chill of winter a little too closely. I can’t wait to get out and play some soccer and do a little r/c soaring.

In other news, I do have an impending site update “in-the-works”, I am also getting close to finishing up a freelancing side-project (tho’ I’ve been approached for a couple others, too), and work is going well. I’ve been a semi-productive little monkey lately. It feels good.

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Feb 25 2004 ~ 8:30 am ~ Comments Off ~

wow. it’s been 4 years (as of a couple of days ago) of just thought i’d drop that little note.

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Jan 25 2004 ~ 8:59 pm ~ Comments (5) ~

Speaking with a friend of mine via the venerable AIM internet teletype service, we got to speaking about the computer acronym SAN (Storage Area Network). As per usual, I throw that term into Google. I pull up various and sundry unrelated links, but do see a “Sponsored Link” on the side for Broadcom — a network microchip manufacturer. The text of said “Sponsored Link” is as follows:

SAN Solutions

Free e-Book download: “Architecting Next-Generation Networks.”

“What do architects do?” I wonder aloud. They clearly don’t fricking ARCHITECT. They DESIGN, but they sure aren’t ARCHITECTING all damn day long. Man. I swear. I know that our beloved English language has morphed into what it is by relatively similar idiot moves, but here is to hoping that this unfortunate mutation of turning nouns into verbs gets EVOLUTIONED into EXINCTIONING itself.

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Dec 29 2003 ~ 2:21 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

this is quite geeky, but i’ve just completed a set of benchmarks for the webserver that this (and a few other) domains run on. I use Apache and PHP as the scripting language, and so I thought I’d try out Turck MMCache, a PHP optimizer. It did a good job with some of the slower sites on this box, like Louisville Soaring, but only showed marginal improvement on Lost In Louisville is the reigning champ for speed, tho’, as it is completely static HTML.

Check out my results.

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Dec 16 2003 ~ 2:22 pm ~ Comments (1) ~

or so the internet would have you believe. kelly has recently become quite fond of The State alum Michael Ian Black, and whilst watching Queer Eye, I told Kelly that he was, in fact, “as gay as the day is long”. Of course, it now being winter, that was a complete and total lie. But, I figured I’d do my due digital diligence, and did a little research. Here is what I found:

Interview @ – a good one, too!

Michael Ian Black’s articles @ – McSweeneys is a great site, and the title of Black’s latest article is “Have You Ever Eaten a Baby?”.

Finally, go and check out, where they have EVERY sketch by The State, organized by episode, and you can even download the stuff. Awesome. Also, the Kittenpants article hints at a DVD set! Oh my. I’m excited.

Oh, and Black *isn’t* gay, but he did play one on TV. Kelly just likes him because he looks like Jeff Davis, anyway, which is just weird, ’cause Black is WAY HOTTER.

(btw, did you notice that i said “played one on TV”. that’s an odd turn of phrase, really, like being gay is a profession or akin to being a different species)

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Dec 9 2003 ~ 10:12 pm ~ Comments (1) ~

I haven’t posted in terribly too long, but it’s been the holiday season, and I’ve been busy with family and work and some freelance stuff, and of course flying RC sailplanes! I just recented discovered slope soaring, and have had a blast the last two weekends down at the Frankfort slope.

I’m going to get a Creative Nomad Zen Xtra 40 gig MP3 player for Christmas, and I’m psyched! My nearly 4 year obsession with portable jukeboxery come to fruition!

Things coming up include my and Kelly’s Christmas Day Oasis at our house, and Gary returns from Japan for a short while, and I think I’ll HOPEFULLY be launching the newly redesigned soon. Don’t hold your breath, please.

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Dec 3 2003 ~ 12:49 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

i’m in the process of getting’s DNS registered with a cheaper, faster company that eNom, so we may experience some discomfort in the near future!

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Nov 13 2003 ~ 5:51 pm ~ Comments Off ~
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