
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

for felicia: here is the House Party Gallery and here is a picture of you.

and from Garrick, I learned an important lesson — “A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, but a shark on beer is a beer engineer.

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Aug 31 2003 ~ 12:54 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Birthday Gallery is up! Pics of Kelly’s cake for me (tasty!) and pics of Kelly, mum, brother Nick and I at the Bats game!

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Aug 20 2003 ~ 10:54 am ~ Comments (2) ~

Well, today is my 25th birthday. I am now firmly rooted in my mid-twenties, and no rounding error will say otherwise. I’d like to thank my mom, Holly and Geoff for wishing me a Happy Birthday, as well as Jeanette (step-mum), my father Neil, my brother Nick and sister Kristin for wishing me well on my birthday (we went to the tasty Thai Smile 4 for dinner). (Kristin — the Family Guy DVD set was sold out at Target, we have come to find). Even my grandmother called me at work today to wish me a Happy Birthday!

For anyone who didn’t know it was my birthday, that’s cool, because I know I’ve not known/have forgotten plenty of birthdays in the past. I now keep a big list of birthdays (something that everyone should do, but usually rely on their parents for when they are younger). Eve’s birthday was back on the 13th of August, my Uncle Jack’s birthday was yesterday, and Nick Smith’s is the 21st of August, and Jackson Cooper‘s birthday is the 23rd of August.

Oh, I must give a boatload of thanks to my dear, beloved Kelly. She baked me a cake (strawberry cake with cream-cheese icing and blueberries), played “Happy Birthday” on the piano at midnight, and mowed the grass for me yesterday. She left me a message in lip-stick on the mirror this morning, and she also left me a voice-mail exactly at midnight today that I did not notice until just moments ago (I saved it for future playing). She’s so nice and pretty, I do declare.

I get to take a half-day from work today, and I’m going to eat tasty sushi at Bendoya for lunch, and then Mom, Nick, Kelly and I are going out to the Louisville Bats game tonight, and that should be lots of fun…

(11:01:56) jacksoncooper: damn dude. happy birthday! (thanks, jackson)

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Aug 18 2003 ~ 9:59 am ~ Comments Off ~

Jackson, Kelly and I went to the fair yesterday! Bunnies and rednecks and chickens, OH MY! Note well our “weak shouldered” bunny friend over to the right there… We also encountered rockabilly ducks and some odd memorials to Bob Hope and Desert Storm II in aquarium format! The bunnies were extra cute this year.

Check theKentucky State Fair 2003 gallery!

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Aug 16 2003 ~ 2:16 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

The Andy Gallery has been updated with a few before-birth photos, and a bunch of post-birth photos (you thought I was going to say afterbirth, but I didn’t).

I’ve also uploaded a shot of my new desk and surroundings.

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Aug 11 2003 ~ 4:12 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

check it on the right over there… VisionGS is my new favorite webcam software!

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~ 3:31 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Born July 30th, 2003 in the wee hours. Click the baby photo to see the gallery!

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Jul 30 2003 ~ 10:35 am ~ Comments (5) ~

Hey hey! A couple of shots from my and Kelly’s Fourth of July Party are up. Check ‘em.

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Jul 7 2003 ~ 8:37 am ~ Comments Off ~

white power brownout

From The Smoking Gun‘s “Document of the Day”:

JUNE 25–Meet Dion Milam. The 30-year-old California inmate may be the scariest looking criminal TSG has ever seen. Milam, who wears “Aryan” and “Honor” tattoos above his eyebrows and a swastika tat on his neck, was charged yesterday in a methamphetamine case (his brother-in-law allegedly tried to mail the drug into the Stanislaus County Jail, where Milam is being held on a murder charge). The below mug shot was taken earlier this year following Milam’s arrest in the murder case. Milam, who pulled a gun on sheriff’s deputies, got roughed up a bit as he resisted arrest. (1 page)

ben: that man is the pride of the species and i think we should breed him for our own horrible bloodsport.

it would be called “Aryan Honor” it would start out small and eventually gain a loyal following. then would be exposed as fake and scripted. in the wake of that scandal, reality shows with many of the same “actors” would be created one of which would be “Goat House“. “Goat House“, much like “Survivor” would be the true original, by which future shows are modeled and poorly copied. but even the true originator must wane and then the obvious sequel and a true triumph of a pun — “Goat Boat” would be spawned.

m@: you’ve got an entire TV empire in the works here… just waiting for the societal depravity required to set it in motion…

ben: danielle refers to my flights of fancy as “elaborate daymares”.

m@: heheheh.

(let’s face it folks… i’m just ripping off TVGoHome)

update: caption – “hey buddy, you’ve got a little custer in your mustache!”

further update: that picture is still creeping me out.

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Jun 25 2003 ~ 4:05 pm ~ Comments (5) ~

the big red machine

(AFP/File/Frederic J. Brown)

“the” SARS.

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~ 8:44 am ~ Comments (2) ~
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