Lunch-time Grillout
Behold! They grilled out at lunch-time and it was good
Also, behold the lunch-time grillout gallery.
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This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever. |
Behold! They grilled out at lunch-time and it was good
Also, behold the lunch-time grillout gallery.
Last night we had a pretty powerful storm blow through town. The rain was one thing, but the powerful winds were quite another. Oldham County, to our east, has declared itself a disaster area. Some parts of Jefferson County namely the Highlands area didn’t fare quite so well either. My friend David Gruneisen went about today to shoot some photos (as is his style), and as per usual they are good and pick up on interesting detail. You should check out David’s Storm gallery and see what nature hath wrought upon the Highlands.
From the Chicago Sun Times’ Love’s life spirals further down:
Love was admitted to Bellevue Hospital in New York on Friday — arriving on a stretcher, dressed only in a lace-trimmed camisole and a pair of handcuffs.
I’ll admit to never having really cared for Courtney Love, but damn! She’s really let herself go. Sad to see anyone make a tumble like this.
For Kelly’s birthday she wanted only one thing — to go to the Newport Aquarium and see the otters. And to go to the Gap Discount outlet on the way. Oh, and she wanted some shoes. Oh, and some new running shoes. But mainly, really, just the otters. So, last weekend (Saturday June 26th), we headed up I-71 to beautiful Newport, Kentucky.
I must say the aquarium was quite awesome. Well designed and with some really great attractions. The centerpiece being the HUGE saltwater tank in the center of the circular aquarium. There are tunnels that zig-zag through the aquarium, providing you with 270 degree views at times. Really quite amazing. The otters were, in fact, just like wet kitties and just as playful and cute (and apparently do eat cat food). Right behind the otters were the lorikeets, which are (near as I can tell) somewhere in between a parrot and parakeet. Smaller than a parrot, but just as colorful. They are in an open-air exhibit in which you can feed them with little cups of nectar as they sit on your finger. Awesome! (You might also be pooped on). Otters and birdies are fine, but my personal favorite HAD to be the Gentoo penguins in their really awesome penguin tank! Those little buddies are fast!
Kelly bought a little beany otter and I got a little plushie Gentoo penguin. Oh — and I took plenty of pictures which you can view in the Newport Aquarium gallery.
Checking my gmail email address (hamsandwich AT gmail DOT com) today, I noticed I had a piece of mail! Exciting!
Hi Ben,
I thought you might be interested to know that I used some of your Creative Commons licensed photos as part of a presentation that I did recently on wikis. In case you might be interested, here is a link to the presentation “slides” (click on the photos to advance):
And here is the “thanks” page:
Thanks for making your photos available.
- Matt
Well, I must admit that I didn’t even think about the Creative Commons and my photography — but yeah, it’s in the footer, and yeah I don’t mind if you use it! Matt’s a true champ, though, by A) giving me credit and B) letting me know! Thanks a bunch, Matt.
That I think you should check out. Gary makes a trip to Okinawa with friends, and also some photos from the Wedding/Hawaii trip. Check out gallery #1 (wedding) and gallery #2 (okinawa).
In honor of Kelly’s 26th birthday, this the 23rd day of June, two-thousand and four, I present “Kelly throughout the ages”.