For Kelly’s birthday she wanted only one thing — to go to the Newport Aquarium and see the otters. And to go to the Gap Discount outlet on the way. Oh, and she wanted some shoes. Oh, and some new running shoes. But mainly, really, just the otters. So, last weekend (Saturday June 26th), we headed up I-71 to beautiful Newport, Kentucky.
I must say the aquarium was quite awesome. Well designed and with some really great attractions. The centerpiece being the HUGE saltwater tank in the center of the circular aquarium. There are tunnels that zig-zag through the aquarium, providing you with 270 degree views at times. Really quite amazing. The otters were, in fact, just like wet kitties and just as playful and cute (and apparently do eat cat food). Right behind the otters were the lorikeets, which are (near as I can tell) somewhere in between a parrot and parakeet. Smaller than a parrot, but just as colorful. They are in an open-air exhibit in which you can feed them with little cups of nectar as they sit on your finger. Awesome! (You might also be pooped on). Otters and birdies are fine, but my personal favorite HAD to be the Gentoo penguins in their really awesome penguin tank! Those little buddies are fast!
Kelly bought a little beany otter and I got a little plushie Gentoo penguin. Oh — and I took plenty of pictures which you can view in the Newport Aquarium gallery.
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