
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

Everyone is tensing for war over here. According to the liberal news media (heh — I just love saying that) anti-war sentiment is on the rise in the US, fueled by a lack of a credible argument from the Bush administration, and also possibly because much of the recent loss on the NYSE and NASDAQ are due to war fears. Well, tonight is the State of the Union address from President Bush. The proposed war and the economy (oh yeah! I forgot about the economy!) will be topics for sure.

There have been a good number of anti-war protests around the country (and the world), and no doubt the Bush administration will seek to ‘galvanize sentiment’ for the war. One thing that I personally have been clamoring for is some sort of proof from our own government that Iraq does indeed have these weapons of mass destruction (despite the lack of incriminating evidence from UN inspectors). Well — according to this CNN story — the US is to declassify intelligence on Iraq very soon.

This intelligence release is well-timed — with the State of the Union tonight and a full invasion force in the Gulf by the end of February — I am interested in seeing this intelligence, and also interested to know why we couldn’t know this earlier. A clearer argument for war would have certainly helped the administration a few months ago. I don’t claim to be an intelligence or public relations expert, but I know I don’t appreciate a government who threatens war without a clear purpose that a majority of its constituency (or allies) does not support.

I don’t ask for a whole lot — I just want to feel like my government acts according to the principles it claims to support. As Americans we are hold true the tenet of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ — and I try to hold myself to that as best I can. I cannot merely assume without knowing — especially if people that I know and love could die.

Does this make me seem anti-government or anti-military? I hope not. I am thankful that I grew up and live in a country where I can speak my mind and question my government without repercussion. I am of the belief that war only breeds war and that peaceful means lead to peaceful ends. Therefore, I believe we should be charged with attempting peaceful means at all costs. Yes — there are times when prevention will not work and fighting is the only resort — but I do not think this is one of those times. Rather than to be besieged by a handful of countries in war — Iraq is and would be surrounded by an allegiance of far more by peaceful means.


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Jan 28 2003 ~ 9:24 am ~ Comments Off ~

i think that if i had the choice, i’d actually suffer through the film Final Destination if i never had to see, much LESS mouse-over this ad for Final Destination 2 that is currently on the banner at Ain’t It Cool. Wanna know something? IT AIN’T COOL.

update: in my re-editing of the above link to the CORRECT ad, i in fact moused-over the ad no less than 6 times.

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Jan 23 2003 ~ 3:06 pm ~ Comments Off ~

and while Gold Star chili IS important… I got an email from a “cincinattian” today who informed me that there’s more than a riot goin’ on in Cincinnati… ;-). she mentioned WNKU, the NPR-news havin’ roots-rockin’ alternative to 97X, CincyMusic – a good place to check out cinci bands and possibly book a show if you are a travelling band, and lastly the Midpoint Music Festival — a big music festival with bands from all over the US and otherwise.

you know — from the tone of the email i received from this Sarah Hawkins, I somehow figured she was in public relations in some fashion. not to say i wasn’t excited to get the email, but i wondered. well, as it turns out — my hunch was correct. :) no one expects the google inquisition!

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~ 2:41 pm ~ Comments Off ~

after seeing Bowling for Columbine a few months back, i felt something that i didn’t expect after seeing such a brutal indictment of the US’s violent culture — I felt patriotic. Not that I’m not normally patriotic (which is something that is very relative). I consider myself to be extremely patriotic in that I believe in the idea that a vast, vast majority of Americans are peace-loving individuals that can be spurred to do amazing things. “Bowling” paints a pretty decent picture of the Canadians (at least compared to our seemingly rampant gun-fatality numbers here in the states), and more and more I hear people around me (hence, meaning ‘close to my political leanings’) mentioning that Canada doesn’t sound like a bad place to live.

However, I refuse to give up on this country. I refuse to let a small group of people lead us down a path with Iraq that is clearly not respected by the rest of the world, and a good number of American citizens. Is it unpatriotic to seek peaceful means until the very end? I should hope not.

I just finished up watching the rest of Band of Brothers. You know, when I was a kid, I loved the thought of the Army — guns and tanks and blowing shit up! Though, today, in no doubt a large part due to extremely graphic (and what I assume to be realistic) movies such as Saving Private Ryan and the Band of Brothers series I take a more reserved approach. It’s hard for me, at times, to watch those scenes without becoming visible disturbed. I can watch the goriest of movies with monsters and chainsaw-wielding psychos — but to see someone horribly mangled or die in the defense of their country is another thing all together. In World War II, we had no choice but to aid in the defense against a madman. In the Gulf War, it was in defense of a smaller nation. If we go marching into Iraq without the full support of our Allies, what does that say about our American values? In the scope of the world, me must stand united with our Allies, else we fall — a tenet that stands at the base of our culture. I cringe of the thought of American servicemen and women dieing in defense of something that most Americans do not support.

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Jan 22 2003 ~ 1:19 am ~ Comments Off ~

So, while at the Red Bull-sponsored Project Improv show, we all joked about how bull-semen or some bull-testicle related substance was included in Red Bull. I said that “I doubted” if anything of the sort was true. Eve, on the other hand, stated something that I have come to find very true — you never know about some foods, and if you are a vegan as she is, it pays to be cynical. Hunter, sitting between us and realizing that my simple mind is no match for the Vulcan-like logic that Eve possesses quickly interceded.

However — I made a mental note to figure out what WAS in Red Bull. A quick googling found that Snopes, as per usual, is a good place to start when attempting to dispel/prove most any rumor of this sort. Snopes states in this article that Red Bull does NOT include any animal products, “even the taurine is synthetically produced”. It also states that it does not include a banned Vietnam-era substance called glucuronolactone. However, not one to rely on only one source, I searched out other references.

One vegan on the vegan-l yahoo list gives us a link to the Red Bull FAQ which states that “Red BullĀ® Energy Drink is suitable for vegetarians. Red BullĀ® Energy Drink does not contain any animal products or substances derived from animals.

Here is a Business week article briefly stating a doctor’s opinion of the stuff. Interested in this whole synthetic taurine thing, I found a number of links to vegan pet foods, including this one, which states “All pet food manufacturers use synthetic taurine, being both easier to use and more economical. I use synthetic taurine in my vegan cat food.

In my estimation, Red Bull appears safe –
HOWEVER — all of this does not save Red Bull from smelling and tasting like the bile of the Stay-Puf Marshmellow man. It is sickly-sweet, and frankly I’d rather have a cup of coffee which a) costs less and b) probably has more caffeine. Or maybe just some bathtub crank. After all, if you made it in your own bathtub you know whats in it.

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Jan 21 2003 ~ 9:09 am ~ Comments (1) ~


Trogdor the Burninator will destroy you!

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Jan 20 2003 ~ 2:27 pm ~ Comments Off ~

kill bill

Tarantino is following suit in his extremely lengthy production cycles, and has a trailer out for his next film — Kill Bill. After the one-two punch of Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown — both similar in theme and substance, this one is definitely different. Image Uma Thurman in a wire-fu with swords film, replete with a Carradine (“Kung-Fu”) cameo. Yeah. And nowhere is there a James Brown or Bobby Womack song to be heard (as of yet). A change of pace to be sure — but DAMN does Uma look hot with a sword.

Check the Kill Bill trailer @ Apple.

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Jan 17 2003 ~ 3:29 pm ~ Comments Off ~

At least BBSpot supports me in my assessment that Gimli was a bit of a clownshoe in the Two Towers. They make mention of it here and here.

In other (probably old) news — a funny summary of The Two Towers.

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~ 10:44 am ~ Comments Off ~


What is Zwan? Is it some horrible cross of a zebra and a swan thus creating a beautifully horrible winged beast that can camoflague itself in tacky salons? No, it’s actually what Billy Corgan has been up to since the Pumpkins broke up. after watching their vide for “Honestly” (their first single), it seems that Corgan went and got happy and such! It’s all crazy — Corgan happy, dogs and cats getting together, mass hysteria. Well, further research (g) led me to Poets of Zwan, a fansite, which told me that guitarist/bassist in Zwan is David Pajo of Louisville, formerly of Slint, formerly touring with Palace, and formerly of Tortoise, so despite this seemingly pop-happy turn for Corgan, it’s hard to not like it… but it’s all so damned chipper!

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Jan 16 2003 ~ 9:24 am ~ Comments Off ~

are we really all in fear of the plague? apparently CNN is. despite the fact that this broke only hours ago — CNN was johnny-on-the-spot with interviews with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and interactive bits called “What Is Plague?”. I wonder what else they have lying in wait — perhaps something about smallpox? certainly. ricin? oh, that one was done last week. sharks? certainly! don’t you remember SUMMER OF THE SHARK?! What about Japanese Balloon Bombs or Nazi’s peering through the Earth to spy on Britain and America! I can only imagine what something like that would invoke in the press today…

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Jan 15 2003 ~ 4:41 pm ~ Comments Off ~
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