So, the Flying Spaghetti Monster craze has been brought to work by M@. For those uninitiated, the FSM is the primary deity in what has become known as Pastafarianism. It is now a bona-fide Internet craze.
But why? Why would someone create such a thing? Well – the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a parody religion made up to combat the Kansas Board of Education’s decision to give intelligent design (ID) equal time with evolution by natural selection in biology classes. Turns out that these Pastafarians believe that “Global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct consequence of the decline in numbers of pirates since the 1800s.” Considering Kansas has given the go-ahead to teach ID, they are obligated to teach FSM, right? Who needs Science when you have good storytelling and lobbyists.
You can get all the information you’ll ever need about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster here:, the “official” site
FSM @ the Uncyclopedia (much more comprehensive that the Wikipedia entry)
The FSM Cafepress Store
BoingBoing post
and finally… the best German headline I’ve ever seen:
Mein Gott, ein Nudelmonster! @ der Spiegel
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