
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

Hunter noticed that “Tank” (played by actor Marcus Chong) didn’t appear in The Matrix: Reloaded. That’s odd. I mean, he was a lesser character, but he had his fans, right? Well anyway, Chong isn’t too happy about it all, and even some fans of the film have got his back.

Why he wasn’t asked back? That isn’t really apparent. According to the MCAT site, there was some sort of terroristic threatening, pay disputes, etc. The site makes a jumbled attempt at laying out evidence, but evidence of what, I don’t know.

Fun fact: Marcus Chong’s father is Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong fame! One of his sisters is Rae Dawn Chong.

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May 20 2003 ~ 2:27 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

someone slid a note under Moriarty’s door over at Ain’t It Cool News regarding Michael Moore‘s next film, Fahrenheit 9-11: The Temperature at Which Truth Burns.

his style may not lend to credibility, but neither does getting Danny Glover canned from working for MCI.

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May 19 2003 ~ 4:13 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

found this little dandy about the truth behind panhandlers whilst browsing my local FARK.

I’m Brad Edwards, In Your Corner.

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~ 3:57 pm ~ Comments (1) ~

i’ve always thought of “town-hall meetings” as being fascinatingly weird gatherings. some old pensioner standing up to protest the neighbor’s unwillingness to edge his sidewalk, or some dogwalker complaining that some other dog-owner has been allowing their pup to drink from a human water fountain. a resolution must be passed! no dogs on fountains! edging for all!

well, what really brought me to thinking about this was SNITCH‘s article about a rape in Douglass Hills, one of my old haunts. Right in the middle of Douglass Hills is Crosby Middle School, my middle alma-mater. In any case, the replies from the frightened Douglassites in this article are just priceless:

From “Helen”, who would not give her last name because she’s afraid she might become the rapist’s next victim, and hadn’t left her condominium in a week: “If I see a black guy walking through here, I’ll call police,” she said, then added: “I know that sounds terrible.”

Yep, that’s pretty terrible, Helen. But what is to be expected from mostly-all-white Douglass Hills? Helen, turn off the six-o’-clock news.

further, from Phil Brown, landscaper, possible $1,000 bounty-poster: Brown said he has trained his wife and children to “die on the spot. She knows that if some guy takes her to a far away place to kill her, then I’ll be very upset. If somebody touches my family, that’s going to be too bad for them.”

I don’t know if Phil was quoted out of context — but “training your wife and family to die on the spot”? I don’t even know what to make of that. If the rapist takes his wife/child far away — will he be upset with his wife/child or with the rapist?

I don’t care how idyllic any suburbian plot may look — underneath lies the same fear, loathing and hatred that is everywhere else.

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~ 1:29 pm ~ Comments (8) ~

FOX is bringing back Joe Millionaire, among other feats of misogyny. “can women be fooled again?” ha-ha! laugh riot. my question is this: will viewers be fooled again? also in the “pipe”line is a drama about the porn industry! awesome. word on the street is that fox will be utilizing brand-new video blurring technology to blur out genitals, and will be retailing special glasses that will allow you to un-blur them uglies!

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May 15 2003 ~ 2:19 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

i think the cap really makes it.
squirrels and rc

spassmonkey via b3ta did that. you should visit his site.

(p.s. – note that the squirrel is driving an electric RC car).

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May 14 2003 ~ 3:34 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

i love COPS.

This “COPS: Las Vegas” is spectacular. Most times, people shown on COPS don’t go into such sordid detail as this woman… she proceeds to list out the groceries bought by her son. “He bought some bologna, bread, yogurt and cheese. Well, he comes home to find that the yogurt is gone. And let me tell you, officer, my daughter and I don’t like yogurt, nosiree. So he gets upset because the yogurt is gone!”

is it wrong that i like COPS? and yet, i hate american idol, survivor and big brother. i guess i’m just in it for actual reality and not manufactured reality. i’ve said it before, but “goat house” would rule. “what is ‘goat house’?” you say? well, it’s my idea that is somewhat of a cross between big brother and running man (moreso schwarzenegger than king). essentially, we take death row inmates — lets say 8 of them — and put them in a large house with a large central area. well, each week we drop in a goat. live, televised. you are probably wondering what the fun in that is — well here’s your answer: necessity is the mother of entertaining TV. the more resourceful and crazed murderers and rapists will kill the goat, and use its various and sundry entrails and skeleton to fashion crude weapons and armor. spears, daggers — possibly even strung weapons. each week, more goat, more material. woo. last one alive gets to go free.

Oh sure, that goes against my liberal ideologies, but hey — this is TELEVISION. you don’t have to have morals or substance to be on TV. i can subjugate my ideals for a fat sack of cash and DVD boxed set of “goat house”.

No, really. criminal have rights, hell even goats have rights. reality tv viewers have no rights.

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May 13 2003 ~ 6:45 pm ~ Comments (10) ~

just a couple of photos and a pan from the Louisville Bats game on Sunday (Mother’s Day). check them out here.

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~ 1:18 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

Sweating while sleeping, and when attempting to sleep, being woken up every hour on the hour. It’s AWESOME. On the upside, they apparently have shows on television at 6:30 AM. Wild stuff, I tell you.

Well, this danged viral respiratory infection put me down for most of Sunday and Monday and came with a fever to boot. I actually had to call-in to work on Monday, a first for me. I guess that is better than spouting virus-laden droplets to my co-workers. Needless to say, I’m better now.

update: this just in. i’m running another fever. damn.

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~ 8:17 am ~ Comments (2) ~

a little passage from Warren Ellis on social software from his Die Puny Humans! blog:

And I said, that’s all very well, but having run a massive forum for four and a half years, I think you have to accept that email lists are an old, low-fi technology, and you can create tight community bonds by making the community space a destination, rather than a constellation of live points, and one where people can express visually. Once you see a person’s face, where they live and what they do, the tone of the interaction changes. The net became The Big Electronic Arguing Machine because everyone is anonymous. People find it easier to abuse people they don’t know — depersonalised figures on the other end of the line. Images change online community interaction in a radical way. (And I’ve married more people than Reverend Moon because of it.)

i love me some Ellis, i do. while you’re at it, why don’t you read the whole post?

update: Warren Ellis interview @ Slashdot.

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May 9 2003 ~ 10:28 am ~ Comments (16) ~
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