when I went to go upload a new gallery today, Gallery told me I had a folder that it didn’t create in the albums/ directory. Low and behold, it was some “warez” directory with an MP3 recorder or some junk in it. Doing a little more research, I find that there is a phpshell script in there (so that your browser acts like a shell), an ftp script to download a PHP Exploit Lab script.
Well, scanning my Apache logs I find that the culprits came from Russia, or at least were using dialups in Russia. The offending hosts:
Further, some of the referrers for these hits lead me to this URL (a forum), which is another exploited Gallery. ( some ICQ numbers of folks on that board include: 2243057, 321381, 118407481)
So, I check out Gallery’s website — and first notice this security notice about a possible security hole. Turns out, it’s not a security hole in Gallery, but in any shared webserver. Well, that IS true. However, what DOESN’T help is that there WAS an exploit with version 1.3.2, which I was running. I’m assuming this exploit allowed for the upload of a file, namely phpshell.php, and thus… script kiddies from Mother Russia had their day. Their day as an unprivileged user, mind you.
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