
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

killoggs is good.

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Sep 17 2002 ~ 12:17 pm ~ Comments Off ~

i hope you enjoy the new style!

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~ 9:10 am ~ Comments Off ~

We moved into a new house back on the 24th of August! Moving was quite smooth, and we had plenty of helpful friends about to do heavy lifting and such (thanks guys!). Kelly painted the kitchen a shade of green that is — to say the very least — BRIGHT GREEN. It may be found in nature, but only in relation to poisonous frogs.

The basement (ne’ infotainmentplex) is coming along, too and i hope to have pictures and all that good stuff soon, but since we don’t get broadband at the house until the 31st of August, it’ll have to wait until then!

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Aug 27 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

new galleries! kelly made me a cake and kelly and i went to the fair. i love the state fair. it’s fun.

ferris wheel

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Aug 20 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

i turned 24 years old today! you see, it was my birthday. my cat sent me a birthday card.

we played a great game of baseball today, too! 21-20 the final score, in our first ever 9-inning game! it was awesome. we also had three (3) new people show up. Well, 4 if you count Jackson, but he’d played with us before. But you haven’t seen him — so he’s new to you!

Also, there are a couple of other galleries up. Nothing to wacky, just some charades and a shot from a Bats game.

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Aug 17 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

i could use a nice cup of tea and a sit down, and maybe listen to some live White Stripes, then take the trash out to the link dump

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Aug 6 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~


i worked on a little thing called phpFeed around the end of
last year. well, i finally finished it up, and you can check out the href="projects/phpfeed/demo.php">demo here (and the project itself href="projects/phpfeed">here). it pulls down newsfeeds from any number of
different sites, and displays them nicely. i like it.

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Jul 21 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

first off, June 23 is Kelly’s birthday! I made Kelly a cake. Also, i posted some pics from our trip to Kansas City. Yay!

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Jun 20 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

So, lately, i’ve been flying model airplanes a lot. Mostly my hand-launched-glider (the Red Herring). No motor, just me tossing her up in the sky. It is very relaxing, and just…. pure. So much fun! Geoff and Chuck are into it too! Yay silent flight!

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May 30 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Got up bright and early at the crack of a continental breakfast in a
converted gymnasium. That hotel was just weird, and filled with
children. We let out of that joint, and stalked the “World Market” for
interesting stuff. We found a big bamboo shade we had been looking for
cheap. Threw it in the car, and made our way to Busch Stadium to see the
St. Louis Cardinals vs. the Atlanta Braves.

Paid $6 for parking, about 2 blocks from the stadium — which i can deal
with. We showed up about 2 hours early, and the place was packed! It
turns out the gates open 2 hours prior (1:10 being the game start). We
watched some batting practice after we got our tickets, and just chilled.
Kelly and I downed a beer and pretzel to start things off.

Bud Light is like water. It’s evil, really. Also, it’s not good beer.
But it’s definitely potable. The game was a great time, but the
Cardinal’s fielding wasn’t exactly stellar. And the pitching wasn’t all
that great. I respect Darryl Kile, but he got behind pretty fast (no
thanks to the fielding of his own team). Luckily, this made for a good
end-game, with the Cardinals making a small rally from the 4-0 deficit
they had dug. They lost 4-2, though.

We bid fond farewell to Busch Stadium — i enjoyed it greatly. The park
is nice, easy to get to and, perhaps more importantly, easy to get out
of. The ballgame was great fun, and the crowd there was a good time.

We hopped on 64 Eastbound, and as the Arch faded from our rear-view
mirror, Kelly and I both felt a little sad. Our journey in the west had
officially come to a close, as we passed back through the gateway to the

However, our adventures were not to end just quite yet. We still had
“Albino Squirrel Hunt #2″ to go — Olney, IL. About an hour and a half
drive down US150, we get to Olney, where a sign greets us saying “Home of
the White Squirrels”. Note: not “albino” but “white”. Maybe this is a
technical distinction — maybe they are just WHITE, and not “albino”.
Though, i think they are technically “albino”, but i never got close
enough to actually check out the eyes and other albinism-affected

We stopped at a great little Mexican restaurant called “El Rancherito”,
escaped for under $20, and went a’huntin! We drove about, searching the
“suburbian” areas of Olney (a small area) for a while, noting that many
of the squirrels we were seeing were in fact WHITE, but they were all
fake. As we rounded a corner into another neighborhood, we struck WHITE
GOLD! A white squirrel chasing, and possibly harassing, MAYBE EVEN
belittling a “normal” fox squirrel. Kelly and I snap photos as they seem
to pose for our peering lenses. They even pose ON THE TREE — but then,
as quickly as we had noticed them, the squirrels do that squirrely thing
they do, and escape around to the other side of the trees. One down, how
many to go, i wonder?!

We search as the summery day fades, noting yet more squirrel-themed yard
ornaments, and a bunch of white STUFF in the yards that fool us for mere
moments (bags, cups, foam, etc). We snap some photos of various Olney
squirrel-related stuff, and the post office and police office for good

I must say, as far as style goes, Olney, IL has Marionville, MO beat.
Marionville is a Podunk, whereas Olney is more towards Mayberry. They
had nice little town centers and stuff. Also, the ratio of normal to
albino squirrels (based on our cursory 30 minute searches) for both Olney
and Marionville was 1 to 1! In Olney, we saw two (real) squirrels — one
white, one “normal”.

Ahhh well.

We took US150 back to I64, passing through Paoli, IN and Palmyra, IN.
It was nice to see Louisville’s skyline again, and home felt real

I plan on making a directory and map and such for the places we visited
in the near future. As for now, I’m tired as heck! Hope you all have
enjoyed these travelogues!

filed under Travel and then tagged as ,,,,
May 6 2002 ~ 12:45 am ~ Comments (1) ~
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