
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

Penny-Arcade‘s Tycho is such a goo writer, that sometimes I forget to read the comic. Listen to a great interview with Jerry and Mike (Tycho and Gabe) at Planet GameCube.

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Oct 31 2002 ~ 3:36 pm ~ Comments Off ~
  • The Strokes rock-steady. At first, I wasn’t sure if they rocked. Repeated listening has made me feel ashamed for thinking so.

  • Morningstar Farms, despite being owned by Kelloggs, has a tasty Hearty Chik’n'Vegetables Pot Pie — a vegetarian faux chicken pot pie. Tasty, and low-fat.

  • The one thing that ties all Americans together, and one thing we can all agree on is that it is a great privilege and right to vote. Now — why was it so hard to find out where to vote?.

  • The Foo Fighters have returned. That’s all I’m saying. no one has a fit like i do — i’m the only who fits you
  • filed under General and then tagged as
    Oct 30 2002 ~ 2:41 pm ~ Comments Off ~

    first up, kelly and i went to the St. James Art Fair here in Louisville earlier this month. It was crowded, and I thought my camera broke, but it didn’t, thankfully

    then the next weekend, we went to Harvest Homecoming in New Albany. Kelly and I browsed the stuff, and choked back the bile upon hearing “Deep Fried Twinkie” or “Deep Fried Candy Bar”. Well, we were actually choking back the vomit from goint on the Plane-A-Whirl or whatever the hell that ghastly contraption was. We weren’t set right again until the next day — that’s all i know.

    Of course, the next day was Sunday, so we played baseball! This time with Matt Rasnake (of bipolar fame). Good stuff! Fun was had — and Matt, who previously mentioned “I hate baseball”, was quoted as saying “this is fun”. Tee-hee.

    Whew! Well, this past Tuesday, we went to go see Ben Folds in Lexington at the Singletary Center. Great stuff, that!

    And finally, tonight we went to see Project Improv at the Kentucky. Every time I see these guys they get better. They are playing every Thursday, too. $5, and an opening Gala on November 7th!

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    Oct 24 2002 ~ 10:54 pm ~ Comments Off ~


    what do you think of when i say the word “clownshoe”? Probably a giant bulbous shoe worn by a costumed entertainer, right? Well, also consider using this word in a manner in which you never considered — the derogatory. The profane!

    That’s right, you clownshoe! See, there, I just used it. Now, don’t got clownshoe on me. Clownshoe exudes overdone, overblown, silly, fake, whatever. Just try interjecting it in your work this week. TRUST ME, it will turn heads. “So, Johnson, what do you think of our new management material?” “Well, frankly, I wouldn’t trust that pearly white clownshoe to make my coffee much less manage this slaveship of gooners”.

    you’re welcome

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    Oct 21 2002 ~ 9:55 pm ~ Comments Off ~

    Woody Harrelson has written an editorial at discussing his distaste at the U.S. government’s policy on Iraq, foreign policy, and the similarities in thought of the US and UK public.

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    Oct 16 2002 ~ 11:02 pm ~ Comments Off ~


    dear president bush, to thee, i offer this piece of enunciatiatory advice. you have so many other people to help you remember so many things — is it too hard to remember ONE WORD?

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    ~ 8:10 pm ~ Comments Off ~

    well, Microsoft now “regrets that Mac-to-PC convert ad I linked to yesterday. Sheesh. They do make a version of Office for the Mac, don’t they? Such a tangled web is weaved.

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    Oct 15 2002 ~ 8:05 am ~ Comments Off ~

    damnit, Microsoft, you just don’t get it, do you? You can’t fabricate success. Try as hard as you want to imitate your competitors, but you can’t imitate attractive, functional design, and you can’t just ape an excellent user interface and hope it works.

    As much as I like Windows XP as a desktop, the half-arsed attempts to retaliate against Apple are just cheap.

    Not that I don’t have my own qualms with Apple, but they are in the hardware business, and they need to sell the G4′s to stay alive. Maybe one day I’ll be able to run my Windows games on OS X.

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    Oct 14 2002 ~ 3:24 pm ~ Comments Off ~

    hey! check it out — “a little site design in yo eye”. This is the new codebase and design for thelocust[dot]org. note well that none of the content has changed, but the layout has dramatically!

    note in the lower-right (under setup) you can change various things, most notably the “style”. try it, you’ll like it!

    email me if you have any problems!

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    Oct 2 2002 ~ 1:47 pm ~ Comments Off ~

    Wow! I’m such a slacker. But really, i’ve been doing a lot! I swear! The aforementioned green kitchen has been repainted a far, far sight better. “rosemary” rather than “neon”. the infotainmentplex is coming along, and broadband has been installed and is humming along nicely.

    in other news, the Civil War series from PBS (and Ken Burns, notably) was recently re-shown. I love it. And just when I thought that the mountain of rock that is the White Stripes couldn’t get any higher — the clouds DEPART! They’ve posted a message that includes the transcript of Sullivan Ballou’s letter to his wife, Sarah. (Also, they embedded the mp3 of the letter read). A more beautiful letter I know not of. I wish I could write something like that — though I am not locked in mortal combat.

    Wardriving is not a crime. In fact, it’s kinda fun.

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    Sep 30 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~
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