
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

As I was driving along today, by myself, I found myself having a conversation (in my mind) with James Eisenmeinger, our long-dead friend. I don’t know why my mind manifested him, but it did. Feeling very introspective lately (since Kelly, my girlfriend, has been out-of-town), I was just speaking with him about ME. Kelly and I are moving rapidly into our fifth year as a couple, and the topic of marriage has been heavy on both our minds. We are all making the transition from students to workers, my parents are getting older. We are getting older.

I haven’t been to James’ grave since the day we put him in the earth. I always planned to, and in my own comfortable sadness today, I thought about doing so. Being Father’s day, however, my day was consumed. I thought about just going there and sitting in front of his headstone to air my thoughts. I thought how silly that would be. Not silly in a whimsical fashion, but silly because for some reason, I can’t seem to bring myself to do that with any of my friends, relatives, or even Kelly. I can’t express my feelings that well, apparently. Like I mentioned before, I didn’t go through with speaking with James today, so you, the inky void of the Internet is my confidant. I know full well that Hunter, Danielle, and others will read this. But I don’t mind that. It’s strange, I know. I can’t explain it.

The things that were on my mind at that moment are ages-old. Ages-old in the fact that people have grappled with them since the beginning of time, and ages-old in the fact that I’ve been thinking about them for quite some time. Marriage, my own emotional cloistering, my ability to love.

I love Kelly Brockman. Let that be known to all. I love my friends. Every single one of them. I don’t say either of those often enough. I CAN’T say them often enough. And I know I don’t show that often enough. “Asshole” is the word I remember more often than not when my attitude is referred to. And I’ll admit to that. I’ve changed a lot in the past few years. Life has been changing a lot in the past few years. College, girlfriends, jobs, money, marriage. It’s all been turned around, and the in the commotion, I didn’t remember how to communicate. I got confused. I don’t know. I shrink away from communication. I’ve lost friends that way. Either by my own cognisant effort or not. Megan Leahy I never wrote back when I was 10. I’ll never forgive myself for that… and I never heard back until she returned from France. Oh well.

That is something I must remember, so this is as much a message to anyone who reads it as it is a message to myself.

“There is a comfort in being sad,” someone once wrote. I know this too well, but rarely do I ever show it. I am too easily swayed. I too easily lie to myself. I too easily shun confrontation or communication, to hold onto the sadness that is my center of gravity. I’m never too happy, or too sad. I stay somewhere safe. If you get to high, you fall to far. I’m afraid of heights. I afraid of falling. I’m afraid that what I build will come crashing down, and I’d waste what I have now. Why must I be so rooted in my past? Just because my parent’s relationship failed doesn’t mean mine has to as well, right? Then don’t let yourself destroy it, Ben. But how do I know which is right? I’m tugged between the two. I don’t want to be told which way to go. When is that door going to open? When you start communicating…

Thanks for the chat, James.

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Jun 17 2001 ~ 9:15 pm ~ Comments (1) ~

So, I’m reading this article over at CNN, entitled “$1.35 trillion dollar tax cut signed into law“. It mentions the rebate program, which will start July 20th — “Singles will get $300, single parents will receive $500 and married couples will see a $600 rebate.”

Now, any American who has taken Economics, or at least blown their entire paycheck and/or Christmas bonus in one booze-fueled fandango near the end of the month KNOWS that the “marginal propensity to save” in the United States is SHOCKINGLY low. Somewhere around 5%, as compared to somewhere around 25% in Japan (as best I can remember). Way to go Bush!

Let me explain here. How did most of the richest folks in the United States become rich? Hitting the lottery? No. The way you “make money” isn’t necessarily important. I could make fat sacks of cash money, but those fat sacks wouldn’t do me a damned bit of good if I kept spending it all. Which brings me to the point — rich people SAVE money. Thats why they are RICH. If they didn’t SAVE money, then they would be POOR. Bush’s primary impetus behind the $300 rebates was to “stimulate the economy”. To the richer portion of those rebatees, they will merely toss that $300 on their already fat pile of money, meanwhile, the POOR SAPS like you and I will most likely either use it in the aforementioned fashion, or pay down our debts. It will most likely not go towards the “general economy”, and that is my primary concern. So, giving $300 to every single taxpayer (who filed this year) is going to do a fat lot of fucking good, if you ask me!

In fact, I’m probably either going to:

A) Donate it to a good cause, which may or may not be the “Get Ben Drunk on Expensive Imported Irish Tasty Beer’

B) Soil it, and return it to the White House
C) Pay down my debt.
D) Go completely against everything I stated above and buy a new TV, VCR, or a small immigrant house-boy, who will live in the closet.

All of this rebate nonsense just seems like very short-sighted policy on behalf of the Bush administration. Which apparently is a theme in the Oval Office. We’ll infuse the American public with $300 rebates, which will provide minutes of fun to the populous, which will pay for about 1 tank-full of gas for our SUVs, which by the way are the reason why we need MORE OIL. To hell with this conservation (read: SAVING). But that, my friends, is a whole other story.

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Jun 7 2001 ~ 9:55 am ~ Comments (8) ~

Thank Little Baby Jesus! theLocust hath returned!

After speaking with at least 12 people with Telocity, I’ve FINALLY got DSL here at the new apartment. Thanks to a goof (on my behalf) with my domain name service, the re-connect of theLocust was postponed a day. (Oops!)

Anywho, all services, functions, etc of theLocust are back up and running. All email addresses are functioning normally, Phlite Klub is in full-effect, with new pictures forth-coming.

Also, the long-awaited Kludge-o will shortly become the back-bone of theLocust. I know I’ve been talking about switching over to the ‘kludge for about 4 months now (4 months too goddamned long), but Kludge-o is to a point where it is presentable. The switch-over should be relatively painless, and everyone should be able to keep their user accounts (for the website, not the server itself) and such (though your passwords will change. you’ll be emailed, don’t worry).

Well, it’s goddamned good to be back. Oh, and for those of you who took theLocust for granted before, and were feeling the pangs of loneliness and a hunger for entertainment, well, eat up fatties!

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May 31 2001 ~ 12:35 pm ~ Comments (1) ~

Well, I just had a good conversation with Robert Stevenson. Now, I don’t know who Robert Stevenson is exactly, but I know somethings. I’ll find out more.

You see, it all started a little while back. Maybe two months ago (says Ben, stroking his chin wistfully), when I got a call for “Pablo… Pablo Escobar”. I hadn’t really put a finger on the name. Then I remembered! The ex-cartel running Columbian guy, right? Right. Well, he hung up, and then I didn’t hear from him until about another month later. The same thing. “Is Pablo there?”

After the second incident, I did a reverse look-up on the number that called me. I won’t print it here out of common sense, but it came up with Robert Stevenson, 1202 E. Kansas St. Peoria, IL 61603.

In any case, he called again tonight, and I managed to keep him on the phone, and we spoke a little at length. Some idle chit-chat, and I asked him where he got this number. “Austin gave it to me,” he says. Well, that is weird. “I talked to him yesterday,” he said. We confirmed it was indeed my number, and so it was. Apparently, this “Austin” guy gave him my number as his work number (he works second shift, and I got the call at 12:30am).

So, in an experiment, I think I shall try to find more information on Robert Stevenson, whom I know to be in Peoria, Illinois, is out of college, works in television (producing he says, and he mentioned, “Oh, you are in Kentuckiana, where Kentuckiana’s News Channel is, right?” Haw.) So, my adventure begins here.

Why am I doing this? To see if I can do it. I guess.

UPDATE 05.01.2001 – As it turns out, this guy happens to be the guy. His AOL Screen name is RSteven880 — IM him and ask for Pablo Escobar.

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Apr 30 2001 ~ 11:23 pm ~ Comments Off ~

A couple of things, really:

1.) We eventually found Doombringer, last Sunday (the 22nd of April), and gave him a proper burial. Kelly drew a picture of Doombringer in Kittee Heaven, and it just makes me want to bawl. I can only hope he’s happy. Doomie’s gallery is still up.

2.) Kludge-o is moving along well. Well, not as well as I’d like, but goddamn, it’s been so NICE outside lately. It’s hard to stay indoors. Kludge-o is probably 2 weeks out, if I put my energy towards it, and not towards other things.

3.) Speaking of those other things, there are *NEW* (whiz! bang!) pictures up on Phlite Klub. First, Geoff rebuilds the Terry (injured during this session), then the maiden voyage of my new plane, the T-52 (christened Doombringer II, or something), and more flights from Geoff‘s Terry. No crashes, and all planes are good to go! Yay!

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~ 9:41 am ~ Comments Off ~

Well, i really debated about putting this one up here, but my cat, Doombringer, was killed by a car on Saturday morning (sometime). We saw him last right before venturing to Chuck and Danna’s house Friday night.

No, we never got to say goodbye, but I guess that is the comment lament among those who lose loved ones (even if they are pets). He was 1 1/2, and quite possibly the best kitty that Kelly and I ever owned (ok, so he was the ONLY one). Nevertheless, Kelly and I have been feeling that bitter pang of regret all day now.

There are so many small things that you remember about a pet, it’s strange really. He will be remembered in those small actions for ever. I hope you are doing Okay up there, Doombringer. Look down on us every once in a while.

View Doombringer’s Gallery.

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Apr 22 2001 ~ 11:59 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

I just happened to be thumbing through my latest edition of Entertainment Weekly, when I saw a side-bar ad for “The Hire”, and noticed a number of names tagged along with it. They included Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger), John Frankenheimer (Manchurian Candidate, Reindeer Games, and Guy Ritchie (Lock Stock…, Snatch), just a couple of my FAVORITE FREAKING DIRECTORS! So, needless to say, I was intrigued.

“The Hire”, is apparently a set of short-films at, and are slated for “release” on April 26. The trailer, which is shot by the aforementioned John Frankenheimer, is currently online, and available for viewing.

No doubt, an ad campaign for sure, but with such heavyweight talent, could I care? The answer is NO. I don’t and won’t have the money for a BMW, but I must give BMW kudos on not rustling up two-bit hacks like Bruckheimer and Bay (Armaggeddon, Blow Shit Up 2: Sir Bangsalot).

So, I was reasonbly hyped. And then I noticed something else. Who should be Executively Producing this thing? None other than the man who KNOWS how to make a film, and better yet, KNOWS how to make a damned DVD — David Fincher.

Well, I’m off to watch the trailer, and you should too…

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~ 11:37 pm ~ Comments (1) ~

Warren Ellis wrote to me. It was only one word, but damn it was cool. Ellis, for those of you not in the know, is an award-winning writer of comic books. It was quite cool to actually communicate with one of my favorite writers of all time. Do yourself a favor and check out the Transmetropolitan site for more information about one of the most literate, funny, and touching comic books of all time.

After all, anything with the line “If anyone in this shithole city gave two tugs of a dead dog’s cock about Truth, this wouldn’t be happening” deserves to be read.

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Apr 20 2001 ~ 9:44 am ~ Comments (3) ~

Now, i can’t read Chinese, or Japanese, or really ANY Asian language, but I know some awesome Flash (the Macromedia low-bandwidth web movie stuff) when I see it.

A good example of simple, yet strangely complex and cool Flash is here. And here. And here.

Neat-o keen flash Kung-Fu/Matrix style 2D fights, with good sound, and solid animation. It’s pretty sweet!.

Oh, the main website is here, and you can translate the page (somewhat) with Babelfish

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Apr 19 2001 ~ 7:08 am ~ Comments (2) ~

This is a sad day for music fans. Joey Ramone died of cancer yesterday in New York City. Go to the Ramones’ official site for the tribute page. Just the other night Ben and I were talking about the state of rock and roll; things are a little more bleak now.

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Apr 16 2001 ~ 7:52 pm ~ Comments Off ~
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