This first clip is Budweiser’s newest take on the ‘Whassup’ ads. It’s WASABE this time. Rather hilarious. And secondly, this one is rather funny as well… nothing like wacky basketball to child collision humor.
Ben Wilson
Ben Wilson
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This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever. |
That’s right, oh mah BROTHERS and SISTERS! CAST out your DEMONS! Let Demon Buster save your WRETCHED soul! Check the Alphabetical Index of Deliverance for Salvation!
The SODA Constructor
Eve sez: “For all you mildly-interested-in-engineering geek-os this is pretty cool:”
It’s a 2D wire frame constructor, and you can animate you creations! Gravity, Friction, Force, it’s all tweakable, and VERY addictive.
It’s from a British site called Soda who do artsy web-development stuff. The Constructor it is called. Check it out, waste some time.
St. Patty’s Day Pictures
Hey! The new Saint Patrick’s Day Pictures are up! There is about ninety in all. I think they turned out well. Don’t for get to leave copious and hilarious comments!
Well, i’ve never been to Ryan’s Steakhouse, and frankly i don’t think i want to go. This is quite frankly one of the most disgusting and yet funny things i have seen on the web. I had to stop reading because i thought i was going to hyperventilate laughing. Oy! Read it here.
Read Einstein’s FBI File
Wow! I didn’t know about the Freedom of Information Act’s Electronic Reading Room until now. These are the files the FBI created on various public figures back in the day. Read Einstein’s file, Picasso’s, etc. Keen! It’s all here.
Well, on one hand, I half expected Bradley to drop out. Having not won a single primary, but what happened to McCain? I think he still has a strong backing (albeit it isn’t ENTIRELY Republican). McCain’s strategy doesn’t work too well with the idea of capturing the GOP nod, sure, but I think he still has a very good chance. And frankly, i’m moving to Canada if George W. wins the presidency. What do you think?
Edgar Allen Poe, great American writer, and just plain weird guy had quite an interest in cryptography, in fact he may have written a final message in the form of a cryptograph sent to him by a ‘reader’ by the name of W.B. Tyler (a supposed nom de plume of his). Well, point being, there is a $2500 award for figuring out the crytpograph. The article be here.
More Cat Movies!
I don’t know what it is about all these cat videos, whether it is Cat Herding, Cats Flying, Cats Grooving. Well, this is Cats Flinging Themselves Headlong Into Paralysis, I guess. View it here.
From the Weird News Headline Archive! Well, this is just plain wrong. Seems that a South Korean bar has opened, with and interesting theme. What theme you ask? THE THIRD REICH. No Beer For You! Oh, and I wouldn’t suggest using the bathroom. View the story here