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Hello LPAS Families and Friends! Below are my notes from the May 18th 2021 LPAS SBDM standing meeting.

Note: I’m one of two parent reprensentatives, so my notes are slanted towards parent/family topics. As far as notes go, they are probably incomplete, and are definitely not “official”. Official agendas and approved minutes are posted on the LPAS SBDM page and JCPS SBDM Council and Standing Committee Minutes site.

May 18, 2021 Agenda

Good News

  • “There’s a lot of good news”. Field Day was today and the kids will be TIRED!
  • Never had testing and field day in the same day.
  • Some NTI studetns are coming in for testing today.

Committee Reports

CSIP Survey The Comprehensive School Survey is out now. Messenges have been sent out through SchoolCNXT. Results here fuel the CSIP (Comprehensive School Improvement Plan)

Backpack of Success. Backpack defenses were pulled off! Ms. Case looking forward to them being in person next year. A lot of work goes into them - both students and 5th Grade teachers.

Racial Equity The EMPT report has been completed with thanks to Mr. Ice. Lengthy document. This is used to drive LPAS’ Racial Equity Plan. We should get our score back mid-July.


  • No staffing updates. Ms. Maulik and Ms. Wermuth’s positions are open as of end of April. These positions should come up soon! SBDM can be involved in the interview process, should we wish.

Student Achievement Updates

We received a brief update based upon grades from first three quarters of the school year. Our students did see a decline from first quarter to third quarter in this school year - but Ms. Case noted it was a consistent decline across gender and race. In short: all students suffered over NTI.

Budget Updates

No major changes in group funds. Some year-end activities for groups.

Carryover Funds The school currently has $125,000 in carryover funds. This can be used for Instructional Supplies, New Equipment/Furniture, Building Modification/Improvements and “Other Purposes”.

Ms. Case interested in using carryover funds for security cameras and badge systems. “$75,000” is the number she has outlined. Risk assessment in February highlighted lack of security cameras.

I noted that our 2020 CSS indicated a need for technology. Could we use this money for Other Purposes? Yes. Ms. Case noted that JCPS is giving us 42 Smart Panels - one for each instructional space.

In addition, Ms. Case indicated she would like to transition the arts area into a “proper arts area” with art tables and stools is also a goal with this money.

We allotted $75k to security and the remainder to “technology” broadly.

The funds allotted on this form are not required or set in stone - it is only an estimate, and may be utilized for other needs after approval.

Policy Review

Extracurricular Programs We added language to this to define “extracurricular” and the approval and review process. In summary: extracurricular means outside of school hours, involving LPAS students and sponsored/approved by LPAS.

We moved the remaining policies (Classroom Assessment, Improvement Planning, Primary Program) on the agenda to June to allow us to review.

Old Business

No old business.

New Business

Roof should be done by August 1!

Summer Programs

Summer Programs. Again, no summer programs at LPAS due to roof replacement. As Ms. Jones said last month: “No matter where students are attending summer programs, all students have access.” JCPS Summer Learning Site

See you in June!