Use the provided check boxes to mark off your progress as you go.
Locate your joiner rod assemblies.
Lightly sand the bottom glass reinforced surfaces to promote good adhesion to the cap strips.
Wrap the joiner rods with masking tape so that you won't inadvertently spoil them with epoxy.
Using epoxy thickened with cabosil, butter the lower surface of the joiner rod assemblies and install them in the correct position at the end of the mid panel lower cap strip.
Wipe away excess splooge, particularly at the end of the joiner assembly where the first rib will later go.
Weigh the joiners down and let the epoxy cure before proceeding.
This step will ensure that the joiners do not squirm out of position as you continue the spar building.
Note: if you omitted the pre-bonding of the glass reinforcement when you built your joiner rod assemblies, then use unthickened epoxy and layup the glass layers onto the end of the cap strip, followed by the joiner rod assembly. Weigh down the joiners down and let the epoxy cure before proceeding. See AllegroLite_Joiner_Building for details on the glass layers.
![]() | Gluing in the Joiner Rod Assemblies |
Carefully remove the spar webs and ribs for the mid panels from the laser cut blanks; use a sharp x-acto to cut through the flash.
Remove the flash on each piece by lightly sanding them flush to the contour.
The fifth ribs in your rib set will be cut in half and installed at the dihedral break after the spar is wrapped; set them aside for now.
The sixth through tenth ribs are used in the mid panel construction.
Note there is a right and left hand blank in the kit.
Note also the 1/4 inch thick end ribs for the joiner break will also be cut into two pieces and installed after the mid panel spar is wrapped; set them aside for now.
The required webs are numbered 6 to 10.
Note there are four webs of each number.
They are cut from 3/16 inch material and need to be paired
up to form 3/8 inch wide webs for the mid panels.
Use medium CA to gang them up before trimming the ends to the correct sweep.
Use a jig to sand the ends of the webs so that they have the correct sweep angle to match the plans. Do a dry fit as you go to make sure the pieces conform to the plan.
Prepare two end-grain basswood inserts (one each for left and right mid panels) to replace the 3/8 inch portion of the spar web that is closest to the break (web number 10) - use a piece of the 1/4 x 3/4 x 18 inch basswood stick.
The face of the insert at the tip panel break should be beveled to 6 degrees and butt up against the basswood insert that is already bonded into the tip panel.
Shorten the web by the same length as your insert.
The webs are tapered, so shorten the correct end!
![]() | Tip-Panel Jig Blocks | ![]() | Mid-Panel Dry Fit |
Butter the bottom spar cap.
Start at the end of the spar with the preglued joiner rod assembly.
Butter the end face of the joiner rod assembly and place the correct rib against it.
Press parts into the buttered cap lightly to squeeze out most of the excess and hold the part in position.
Next, butter both ends of the appropriate end-grain balsa web and butt up against the rib you just placed.
Place a rib, then a both-ends-buttered web, then a rib, etc.
When you get to dihedral break end of the spar, before you place the last web, block up the tip panel in place with its carry through segment on top of the bottom spar cap, in the correct position.
Butter the insides of the carry through segments and the face of the basswood insert that is already built into the tip panel. Use a bit of extra epoxy to ensure there are no voids as you work on this congested region.
Insert the basswood insert you made in step 2 in between the carry through segments and push it up tight against tip panel insert.
Finally butter both ends of the shortened web segment and insert between the last rib and the basswood insert.
Once all the webs and ribs are placed, butter the top spar cap strip and place it on top of your assembled spar.
Gently squeeze the cap down into position.
Take this opportunity to use a scrap of balsa to wipe the splooge from all corners where the webs and ribs meet.
Don't bother with the splooge that comes from the spar caps, you will trim this off in the morning.
Place two strips of masking tape perpendicular to the spar axis, spaced along the spar length, to create little tents over the spar, sticking the ends to your wax paper. The goal is to prevent the spar cap from shifting when you weigh it all down.
Place a strip of 1/8 inch thick waxed polyethylene foam over the spar cap.
Once both right and left mid panels have reached this stage, place a rigid plate on top of the two parallel spars and weigh it down.
A piece of plate glass will do for the plate.
A continuous layer of bricks down the length of the spars ought to do for weight.
Make sure that the plate stops precisely at the dihedral break end of the upper spar caps.
And make sure that the other end of the plate is not being held up by the joiner rods which stick up above the height of the top cap strip.
Notes: In the photo below, you may notice some mylar strips at the dihedral break which are perpendicular to the spar axis. Please ignore them - I put them there to ensure the height of the cap strips would be correct using the integrated carry through method (discussed in the Tip Panel Building sequence), but as it turns out this was not necessary and created more problems than it solved.
Also, you may find that the tip panel doesn't naturally form the correct angle of attack (no washout or washin relative to the mid panel). The TE of the tip panels should be flat against the building surface. I found I had to shim the LE of the tip panels to accomplish this. Similarly, not all the TEs of my mid panel ribs wanted to stay flat against the building surface. I lightly shimmed them to ensure there wasn't built in twist or (worse) waves along the span of my mid panels.
Finally, I found that the polyethylene foam did not provide enough pressure against the top spar cap right at the dihedral break. I inserted a strip of balsa there so that enough pressure was applied to properly consolidate the spar caps and basswood inserts at the break. Although two bricks were used here, don't be shy about piling on a lot more weight to ensure a good bond. The endgrain webs can support thousands of pounds, so there's no danger of crushing anything.
![]() | Curing the Mid-Panels |
Over the end bay where the joiner rod box is located,
aggressively round off the sparcaps and ply webs
and thin out the sparcaps as you approach the end.
The sparcaps ideally want to taper over the joiner bond,
from their normal cross section at the next-to-end rib,
down to zero at the end rib itself (don't go to this extreme,
though). The taper evens out the shear stresses and actually
gives a stronger spar/rod and spar/tube connection. Thinning
the sparcap at the end rib also allows adding more Kevlar wraps
right at the end to prevent bursting. If the sparcaps are
not thinned, the thicker Kevlar can protrude out of the
airfoil contour on the bottom.
![]() | Mid-Panel Cured and Cleaned |
Wrap the spar, dihedral break to joiner rod box with kevlar tow.
First transfer the tow to a 1 inch dowel a few feet long, being careful not to twist it.
Use a drop of CA to anchor the tow at one end of the spar.
Hold the dowel to the floor with your feet to control the tension while you use both hands to carefully wrap the spar, flattening out the tow to a 1/8 inch ribbon as you go.
Wrap the spar six turns per inch.
If your tow is coming out to be 1/8 inch wide ribbons, the space between the wraps will be about .04 inches (somewhat less than 1/16 inch).
Wrap two or three extra layers of kevlar tow at the joiner rod box end of the spar to prevent bursting.
Anchor the other end with another drop of CA and then cut it free.
See Mark's Construction Tips #1 for more details on spar wrapping.
![]() | Mid-Panel Ready to Wrap | ![]() | Mid-Panel Wrapping |
Wet out the kevlar wraps and blot away excess epoxy.
The glass/Kevlar wrap over the joiner rod box is the most
difficult to wet out.
After mixing the epoxy, apply it at the joiner bay first, when its viscosity is the lowest.
Light heating of the spar at that bay before epoxy is applied greatly enhances wicking (this is recommended with medium-viscosity epoxies like West 105/206).
The Kevlar on the rest of the spar wets out very easily without heating.
Blotting off extra epoxy is much easier if a bit of heat is applied.
![]() | Mid-Panels Wrapped, Wetted, Blotted |
Prepare both mid panels and weigh them down with a plate and bricks again.
When cured, sand the top and bottom filler strips flush with the ribs.
Bending a flexible piece of metal or plastic over the top of the ribs is a good way to gauge the progress of sanding the top filler strip.
Ideally it should be flush with the natural curve of the rib.
Following the plan, cut the glued strip into two pieces, one for each mid panel. Trim away a portion of the thickest part of the aileron stock so you end up with a taper, about 1 inch wide at the joiner break and 11/16 inches wide at the dihedral break. Note: you need a right and left hand version. Bevel these composite TE strips so that the thicker part is close, but not all the way down to the height of the TE ribs.
Notch the TE strip. To form the notches, create a notching tool by gluing a 3/32 inch strip of sandpaper on to the edge of a piece of 6 x 1 x 3/32 inch hard balsa scrap. Sand the 1 inch face of this tool down until sanding with the 3/32 inch edge makes notches which form a friction fit with the rib material. Position the notches so that the ribs seat into the strip about 3/32 inch - you may need to trim off the TE ends of the ribs slightly.
Create and bevel the lower edge of the inner LE strip from 3/32 x 2 x 36 inch stick. See Mark's Construction Tips #2 for more details on the inner LE strip installation.
Bevel the LE tip of each rib to match the LE sweep.
Wipe away excess glue, but create a Titebond fillet at all strip/rib intersections.
When cured, sand the inner LE strip flush with the top of the ribs.
![]() | Gluing TE Strip and Inner LE Strip |
Install the end ribs at the joiner break.
These are the 1/4 inch thick ribs.
Cut the rib into two pieces, one piece for the LE up to the spar, and the other for the TE up to the spar.
Fit the forward piece so that it will stay in position with light friction.
Cut the rearward piece and the TE strip to form a miter joint according to the plans.
You will also need to form gusset pieces according to the plans.
I used two layers of the 1/4 rib blank scrap, CAed together.
The gussets must be thick enough so that they can be sanded flush with the top of the rib contour later.
Rough up the kevlar wrapping where the rib pieces butt up against it.
Using thickened slow epoxy, butter all the appropriate surfaces of the rib pieces, TE strip, and gussets.
Place all the pieces in place and gently squeeze out excess epoxy.
Remove any excess, but leave a small fillet inside the bays at the rib/spar and rib/strip intersections.
When cured, sand the joiner end rib gussets flush with the tops and bottoms of the ribs.
![]() | Dihedral Break End Rib Installation | ![]() | Joiner Break End Rib Installation |
Preform the sheeting if desired using Mark's instructions on Preforming D-Tube Sheeting.
Let the sheets dry fully in a warm place before performing the installation steps below, else you might get some shrinkage and built-in stresses.
The sheet interiors may still be damp even if the exterior is dry.
Here is my modified preforming technique:
![]() | Wetting Sheeting | ![]() | Forming Sheeting |
![]() | Blocking Up Inverted Panel | ![]() | Curing Lower Sheet |
![]() | Installing Balsa Fillets |
Use a nick and cut method to cut all the pieces for one panel with a light friction fit for each piece.
Glue in and with Titebond and leave slightly above the rib top surface.
Sight down the panel and adjust so that the support strips make a straight line, then push them down flush with the ribs using a straight edge.
Fillet support strip/rib intersections with Titebond.
Lightly mist the strips with spray adhesive and
apply two strips top and bottom and wet out with epoxy.
Blot away excess.
Carry the glass over the rear part of the end ribs, the spar, and the
sheeting as shown on the Wing Structure document.
This glass is crucial to prevent the joint from peeling apart under load.
![]() | Ready to Glass End Ribs | ![]() | End Ribs Glassed |
This completes the mid panel build sequence. Final shaping and covering is all that is required to finish the outer wing mid + tip panels.
![]() | Two Finished Mid+Tip Panels | ![]() | Final Weight For Two: 125.5 grams |
Revised 4/25/2002 James R. Osborn |