
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

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Well, if you haven’t noticed (or you are blind, which if you are, sorry), I invoked the site-design goddess, and she showed me the way to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). What the foul wench unfurled was hideous! Hideous i tell you!

Style sheets are essentially rules that govern how text, tables, images, etc. are layed out and appear on a web page. I created one for the whole site, and now it looks very much the same across the board. I know it looked like that before, but now I can changed the color scheme by adjusting one setting, not dozens!

So, style sheets are a good thing, right? Well, yes and no. Style sheets are good, but differences between browsers are not. Take a look at this site with both browsers. Different? Yep. IE and Netscape treat a lot of things differently, and it was a Herculean struggle to get them to work right.

But, i prevailed. Oh, and that Login box up there. It doesn’t work just yet. You just wait. Oh, and I added WebTrendsLive tracking software to the site, too. So, if you want to view info on this site (page visits, etc.) in a bevy of different colors and graphs and charts, look at the bottom of the page for the WebTrends link, or click here.

So, enjoy the site y’all.

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Jul 7 2000 ~ 4:00 pm ~ Comments (5) ~

Hey folks, check out the pictures of the prototypes of the server and control unit for my Car MP3. Go to the Gallery. Enjoy.

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Jul 6 2000 ~ 10:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Check it out! I’ve undertaken the task of creating a portable, high-capacity MP3 player. For the car, and at home.

You can check my MP3 Car Project Page for plenty of pictures, diagrams, witty dialog, etc. This should prove to be quite the project.

And you all knew I couldn’t resist putting a computer in my car, didn’t you?

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~ 11:00 am ~ Comments Off ~

YEEEEEEE-HA! We are finally back up and running. And those of you who are on TheList, it’s back up too…

Just a couple of notes, though:

  • Due to the new-style service that BellSouth currently employs, if my system goes off (the electricity here is a little funny), or i lose connection with the service, gets a new IP (the “address” on the internet), and since the domain name ( points at said address, it must be reset. After i reset it, it can take up to a day to get propagated so everyone can see it.
  • I am planning on getting a power backup soon, so the somewhat frequent power outages here won’t have that much of an effect.

    So, anyway, ENJOY!

  • filed under General and then tagged as
    Jul 4 2000 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

    Well, Harry from Ain’t It Cool News has a boatload of great news from Asian cinema! Chow Yun Fat and John Woo team up for a PSX2 game in 2002/3! Hard evidence that Jet Li would be in the Matrix 2! The leader of the Tokyo Shock Boys (if you have never seen them, they put scorpions in there mouths, and put bottlerockets in their noses. Wacky stuff) will be cast in Epi 2 as well. To quote “He looks like Yoda, acts like Jar Jar”. Also Sonny Chiba shots, too. Good news all around.

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    Jun 1 2000 ~ 9:00 am ~ Comments Off ~

    I heard about this from a Slashdot posting about the possibility of truly wireless, nomadic communications, and someone pointed out I heard about this guy a few years ago, as he was born here in Louisville. Starting in 1983, he has built 3 recumbant (laid-back) bicycles that have been networked with computers, HAM radio, fax, cellular, GPS, etc equipment, and just rode across America, writing, publishing, consulting all the way. Now he is working on a couple of ships, actually large kayak-sorta things, and is going to go on a tour of America’s waterways, ending in Louisville. The entire site is REALLY amazing, but the itenerary for his trip is here. Check this out. It’s a WONDERFUL read.

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    May 31 2000 ~ 12:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

    Chickenhead (see banners at the bottom of the page) the not-so-oftenly updated comedy feature site has a new feature up, the Nudist Bonanza. Especially funny is the “Nudist Bonanza Chat” with Rev. Gary!

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    May 30 2000 ~ 9:00 am ~ Comments Off ~

    Hey! Ain’t It Cool News has a clip that was left on the cutting room floor of the ABC Clerks animated series. It is delightful wrong in all the right ways. Gee… I wonder why Disney would cut this? Peep it here You will need RealPlayer

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    May 25 2000 ~ 12:00 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

    You’ve all heard of Ask Jeeves, right? Sure you have… well, now there is Ask Jesus!. So, it’s not a search engine. But, it’s better and more holy than that. Just put in the URL of your favorite page, and it will Jesusify it for you! My favorite page is Jesusified here

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    ~ 9:00 am ~ Comments Off ~

    Holy mushed melons, Batman! The Smashing Pumpkins are calling it quits! According to this article @ YahooNews. Corgan dropped the bombshell during an interview in LA. There might be a farewell tour in the works, though, and Corgan says there is nothing wrong inside the band, but says it’s getting “hard to fight the good fight against the Britneys”.

    Damn does this make me feel old. I was alive when they started up, and I’m alive when they burn out. I guess it’s for the best, anyway.

    filed under General and then tagged as
    May 24 2000 ~ 2:00 pm ~ Comments (3) ~
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