Rineyville, Kentucky is a town with a lot of problems. If it isn’t the dangeous intersections, it’s the tornados (but you do get some Lotto-Cash from FEMA!). If the murderers don’t stuff you into a suitcase and then drop you in Rough River, then I guess you could always be cited with a DUI on your deathbead.
Ben Wilson
Ben Wilson
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This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever. |
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- A video tribute to Ben Edelson, via Julie Hoover
- Kasia @ 6:26 pm on October 15, 2010: I am a graduate student at MIT and I was an undergrad at...
- My Homebrew Cyclocross Bike
- Zach @ 7:41 pm on April 27, 2010: How much did you end up spending total on this. I am looking to...
- A tour of Louisville’s cobbled streets
- Rob G @ 8:26 am on April 13, 2010: Great job Ben, I have ridden many of those roads when I grew...
- HOWTO: Avoid the Twitter Direct Message Scam
- Andrew @ 2:11 pm on March 15, 2010: What kind of jackass would fall for something like this?
- First race of the season…
- Sherri @ 6:15 pm on March 13, 2010: Good for you, Ben! So happy you are building and improving....
- David Loignon @ 4:46 pm on March 13, 2010: Sorry I missed your race. I got there in time to see...
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- lalahsghost @ 2:56 pm on February 3, 2010: Your hosted blog is so organized; it is refreshing!...
- Wordpress Search Engine Result Exploit!
- Mark Biek @ 8:18 pm on February 1, 2010: Excellent find!
- I’m losing it.
- bsegal @ 11:29 am on January 8, 2010: As a firm believer in the daily plate, I always laugh when...
- SherriJane @ 2:55 pm on January 7, 2010: just be aware of what makes up those calories, too....
So, yesterday kelly and I built a picnic table! It turned out pretty well, for neither of us having too terribly much experience with lumber and such. Kelly enjoys hammering a little too much, I think. If you’d like to build your own, I’d suggest these plans we used.
We also had a small celebration for Kelly’s 25th birthday at the Outlook Inn — no actual pictures of kelly in this gallery, but hey — I was to bizzay celebrating.
Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle was so much fun, it was absolutely ridiculous. Ah, so funny and great, and yes, Crispin Glover makes his appearance as “the thin man” — and let me tell you, that character only gets more bizarre and wonderful. Explosions, kicking, good music (Danger! High Voltage!), and plenty of great comedy. Oh my.
The Helios solar-powered aircraft from NASA’s Dryden Research Center has crashed into the Pacific! It was a one-of-a-kind craft, and truly amazing! Uber-lightweight, and capable of staying aloft for a long, long time…. NASA does intend on building another, saying “the technology is worth pursuing”.
Wanna see some movies?
in utero
I, ben wilson, the undersigned, to solemnly swear that Nirvana’s “In Utero” will rock me until I cannot be rocked by physical means. I said earlier tto m@ that I think that In Utero may very well be the finest album — nay, finest collection of sounds — ever recorded by humans. I stand by that, but I might be biased. A man, rocked as I am, could be biased.
the pride of the species
From The Smoking Gun‘s “Document of the Day”:
JUNE 25–Meet Dion Milam. The 30-year-old California inmate may be the scariest looking criminal TSG has ever seen. Milam, who wears “Aryan” and “Honor” tattoos above his eyebrows and a swastika tat on his neck, was charged yesterday in a methamphetamine case (his brother-in-law allegedly tried to mail the drug into the Stanislaus County Jail, where Milam is being held on a murder charge). The below mug shot was taken earlier this year following Milam’s arrest in the murder case. Milam, who pulled a gun on sheriff’s deputies, got roughed up a bit as he resisted arrest. (1 page)
ben: that man is the pride of the species and i think we should breed him for our own horrible bloodsport.
it would be called “Aryan Honor” it would start out small and eventually gain a loyal following. then would be exposed as fake and scripted. in the wake of that scandal, reality shows with many of the same “actors” would be created one of which would be “Goat House“. “Goat House“, much like “Survivor” would be the true original, by which future shows are modeled and poorly copied. but even the true originator must wane and then the obvious sequel and a true triumph of a pun — “Goat Boat” would be spawned.
m@: you’ve got an entire TV empire in the works here… just waiting for the societal depravity required to set it in motion…
ben: danielle refers to my flights of fancy as “elaborate daymares”.
m@: heheheh.
(let’s face it folks… i’m just ripping off TVGoHome)
update: caption – “hey buddy, you’ve got a little custer in your mustache!”
further update: that picture is still creeping me out.
A/C is broke.
lots of heat in the house.
insurance will fix, hopefully.
make things better than before.
but until then, it’s hot.
I give unto thee, a pamphlet from the Church of Scientology, circa 1976. link lifted from DiePunyHumans, now with more RSS!
BTW, get the skinny on Scientology over at Operation Clambake.