
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

Well, i really debated about putting this one up here, but my cat, Doombringer, was killed by a car on Saturday morning (sometime). We saw him last right before venturing to Chuck and Danna’s house Friday night.

No, we never got to say goodbye, but I guess that is the comment lament among those who lose loved ones (even if they are pets). He was 1 1/2, and quite possibly the best kitty that Kelly and I ever owned (ok, so he was the ONLY one). Nevertheless, Kelly and I have been feeling that bitter pang of regret all day now.

There are so many small things that you remember about a pet, it’s strange really. He will be remembered in those small actions for ever. I hope you are doing Okay up there, Doombringer. Look down on us every once in a while.

View Doombringer’s Gallery.

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Apr 22 2001 ~ 11:59 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

I just happened to be thumbing through my latest edition of Entertainment Weekly, when I saw a side-bar ad for “The Hire”, and noticed a number of names tagged along with it. They included Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger), John Frankenheimer (Manchurian Candidate, Reindeer Games, and Guy Ritchie (Lock Stock…, Snatch), just a couple of my FAVORITE FREAKING DIRECTORS! So, needless to say, I was intrigued.

“The Hire”, is apparently a set of short-films at, and are slated for “release” on April 26. The trailer, which is shot by the aforementioned John Frankenheimer, is currently online, and available for viewing.

No doubt, an ad campaign for sure, but with such heavyweight talent, could I care? The answer is NO. I don’t and won’t have the money for a BMW, but I must give BMW kudos on not rustling up two-bit hacks like Bruckheimer and Bay (Armaggeddon, Blow Shit Up 2: Sir Bangsalot).

So, I was reasonbly hyped. And then I noticed something else. Who should be Executively Producing this thing? None other than the man who KNOWS how to make a film, and better yet, KNOWS how to make a damned DVD — David Fincher.

Well, I’m off to watch the trailer, and you should too…

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~ 11:37 pm ~ Comments (1) ~

Warren Ellis wrote to me. It was only one word, but damn it was cool. Ellis, for those of you not in the know, is an award-winning writer of comic books. It was quite cool to actually communicate with one of my favorite writers of all time. Do yourself a favor and check out the Transmetropolitan site for more information about one of the most literate, funny, and touching comic books of all time.

After all, anything with the line “If anyone in this shithole city gave two tugs of a dead dog’s cock about Truth, this wouldn’t be happening” deserves to be read.

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Apr 20 2001 ~ 9:44 am ~ Comments (3) ~

Now, i can’t read Chinese, or Japanese, or really ANY Asian language, but I know some awesome Flash (the Macromedia low-bandwidth web movie stuff) when I see it.

A good example of simple, yet strangely complex and cool Flash is here. And here. And here.

Neat-o keen flash Kung-Fu/Matrix style 2D fights, with good sound, and solid animation. It’s pretty sweet!.

Oh, the main website is here, and you can translate the page (somewhat) with Babelfish

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Apr 19 2001 ~ 7:08 am ~ Comments (2) ~

This is a sad day for music fans. Joey Ramone died of cancer yesterday in New York City. Go to the Ramones’ official site for the tribute page. Just the other night Ben and I were talking about the state of rock and roll; things are a little more bleak now.

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Apr 16 2001 ~ 7:52 pm ~ Comments Off ~

I got to go to a baseball game for the first time in FOREVER last Saturday (the 7th). Methinks the last time I was at a game was at the horribly dreary Cardinal Stadium, where our own Louisville RedBirds (no longer around) were playing. That field was just depressing. It doubled as the college football field in the off-season, and was a rusty, hulking mass.

Oh, how things have changed. The baseball gods must have shined on Louisville, because we are now blessed with the Louisville Slugger Field, a truly cool little park. Surrounded by downtown, and the river front (including Riverfront Park), it’s a smallish park (it’s only the minor leagues, you see), but it’s got some cool amenities. The left field sports a little grass hill were you can sit all free-style, and the right field sports the “Overlook Grill”, which has a bunch of picnic tables and such. It’s just damned cool.

Well, anyway, the Louisville RiverBats won in extra innings over the Columbus Clippers, 5-4. I took a bunch of pictures, but this one is the coolest. A 270 degree panorama from our seats on the first base line.

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Apr 9 2001 ~ 3:19 pm ~ Comments (2) ~

…you MUST talk about Phlite Klub.

Heh… well, i’ve put up an simple page devoted to our radio controlled aircraft exploits here. Phlite Klub is an obvious joke on the wonderful David Fincher film, Fight Club.

There are some new pics of Dave’s sailplane, the “Sophisticated Lady” within the new site, so go and check it. out.

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Apr 2 2001 ~ 2:03 pm ~ Comments Off ~

The BBC has been working on a program entitled “The Son of God”. For this program, they have attempted to re-create the face of Jesus with science rather than the current “pretty-boy” image he has now.

Check out the story here, with a picture of the computer-modeled face as well.

My question to you: Do you still want to believe in a religion with this Neanderthal looking mug as your spiritual leader? Not me! I’m joing the Archie Bunker Religion!

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Mar 29 2001 ~ 4:35 pm ~ Comments Off ~

So Saturday, I got to fly my remote controlled airplane for the first time. Exhilirating? Oh yes? Nerve-racking? Can be. Proud? Sure.

Well, everything went just fine until the wing folded in half! (oh dear!).

Luckily, everything was captured on film (digital film, actually). Come, gather round children, and I’ll tell you the story of the Flying Shoebox!.

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Mar 26 2001 ~ 1:41 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

RC Boy Am I!

My father used to (and I assume, still does) collect balsa models of planes, and we used to go out to the park to watch other folks fly them. I always loved that idea, but assumed that it was ludicrously expensive.

Well, it’s not CHEAP cheap, but it’s not really all that bad. I recently bought a plane kit and a radio controller, and I’m starting to put it together.

It’s electric, so I don’t have to deal with tiny little gas engines, of which I know little. I at least KNOW how an electric motor works with the alternating current and all that wackiness. So, in any casy, I think the first flight will probably be within a week or two, weather permitting. I can’t wait.

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Mar 21 2001 ~ 9:48 am ~ Comments (2) ~
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