
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

i could use a nice cup of tea and a sit down, and maybe listen to some live White Stripes, then take the trash out to the link dump

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Aug 6 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~


i worked on a little thing called phpFeed around the end of
last year. well, i finally finished it up, and you can check out the href="projects/phpfeed/demo.php">demo here (and the project itself href="projects/phpfeed">here). it pulls down newsfeeds from any number of
different sites, and displays them nicely. i like it.

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Jul 21 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

first off, June 23 is Kelly’s birthday! I made Kelly a cake. Also, i posted some pics from our trip to Kansas City. Yay!

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Jun 20 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

So, lately, i’ve been flying model airplanes a lot. Mostly my hand-launched-glider (the Red Herring). No motor, just me tossing her up in the sky. It is very relaxing, and just…. pure. So much fun! Geoff and Chuck are into it too! Yay silent flight!

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May 30 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

so, uh, we got married (kelly and i). We are on our href="/content/pages/honeymoon.php">honeymoon. Read the href="/content/pages/honeymoon.php">trip log! View the href="/gallery/honeymoon">galleries!

eve has a bunch of wedding pics in
her galleries
. I’ve put up my wedding pics in the wedding

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Apr 26 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

We went to Slugger Field to see the Cincinatti Reds vs. the Baltimore Orioles on Saturday. The game was sold out, and it was neat to see our little field full to capacity. Our tickets were “standing room only”, so the amount of baseball seen was equivalent the amount of health-consciencous (sp?) food eaten.

Nonetheless, i snapped some pretty awesome ultra-wide photos as seen in this NEW gallery!

The Reds are something like 8-20 on the pre-season Greapefruit League play, and they sure didn’t do disrespect to their record, getting beat 3-2 in a bit of a nail-biter. Griffey was no-show due to injuries, but hell, i just love going to the ballpark!

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Mar 30 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

i like art. and deviance. so, it only makes sense that i’d like deviant art, right? right. make with the clicky.

in other news, i’m going to start a “tributes” section here at, for things that i think need a tributin’. Weezer‘s Pinkerton, and Buckminster Fuller‘s DyMaxion house will be the first likely candidates. More to come on that front.

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Feb 26 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

it’s valentine’s day. kelly is my valentine!. and what
valentines day wouldn’t be complete with href="">candy


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Feb 13 2002 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Hope everything on your holiday is going well so far. for kelly and i it was good, for others, such as dave and geoff, it hasn’t been all that great. holidays are so rough for some, and so great for others. just keep yer chins up, and remember that life is its own reward. the journey is the thing.

i put up a gallery! it is powered by Gallery, a PHP gallery system which is feature packed and easy to use. All of the old thelocust galleries have been moved over. check it out.

a giant squid at the corvette museum, one of my favorite pics. i showed this to mr. coffeemonk, a colleague, to which he replied (verbatim, i might add):

(01:35:08) BenCorvus: so there was a giant squid at the corvette museum >
(01:35:21) BenCorvus: no reason, really

(01:37:46) MrCoffeemonk: well, you know that some corvettes were painted “squid red” right?
(01:37:48) MrCoffeemonk: hehe.
(01:38:06) MrCoffeemonk: and that those particular models were said to lea
ve “squid marks”
(01:38:23) BenCorvus: do you feel “wrong” for that one?

(01:38:28) BenCorvus: because you should.
(01:38:34) MrCoffeemonk: hehe.
(01:38:36) MrCoffeemonk: oh yeah.
(01:39:03) MrCoffeemonk: it’s such a sad thing that a lot of my humor depe
nds on things like that.

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Dec 27 2001 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Just some links today. First up, I’ve been checking out transcode, a Linux video stream processing utility. ‘Whassat?’ you say. Essentially, it takes video streams, including DVDs and can do a number of operations to them. For example, it can take a DVD and compress it onto one CD using DivX, an extremely tasty video codec.
It’s a good piece of software, tho’ novices will have to do some reading as there are a gazillion command line options.

Oh, and I released another development version of MPy3 — go download v2.1-pre2! (It’s got joystick control now!)

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Dec 10 2001 ~ 11:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~
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