
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

Today might have been the nicest day of the summer so far with temperatures in the mid 70s and the humidity a ridiculously low 50%. So, to mark the occasion, David, Kelly and I took a bike ride down by the river. Unfortunately, David came up lame with a ever-worsening flat. But, in the spirit of adventure, he plugged onward. Eventually, it was losing too much air and David found a good samaritan at the Bike Depot with a pump, and he got a boost. We made it just a little way down the RiverWalk before having to turn back. We got back into the Highlands shortly before David’s tire went completely flat.

To honor to the day, I took some photos. You can check them out in the Bike Ride gallery.

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Jul 27 2004 ~ 9:14 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Kelly and I woke up this morning to find that a tree-limb on one of our two big front yard trees had cracked during last night’s rainstorm and was laying almost in the road, but not quite. It completely blocked the sidewalk, though, so we thought it best to clean it up post-haste, as there is a fair bit of foot traffic. I decided to take some photos of the cleanup effort.

It’s just important to know that trees were down. That is all. Carry on.

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Jul 26 2004 ~ 9:56 pm ~ Comments Off ~

class="External"> has a neat little photo-gallery of early photos of John Kerry taken by “Pumping Iron” director George Butler. My favorite?
Kerry built model planes after his failed bid in ’72. Obviously.

Bush fans may want to purchase a replica of the Bush/Cheney 2000 Campaign plane. A mere $35.

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~ 9:41 am ~ Comments Off ~

engulfed grill

Behold! They grilled out at lunch-time and it was good

Also, behold the lunch-time grillout gallery.

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Jul 22 2004 ~ 3:43 pm ~ Comments Off ~


via TheMaxx, via Charlie

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~ 1:51 pm ~ Comments Off ~

GPS flight track with satellite photo

Normally, I don’t post stuff about my model sailplane hobby, but I thought that this neat idea was worth it. One of the ingenius guys at the Charles River RC club had the neat idea to fix a GPS to his plane and then take the information it gave him and plot it in 3-D space. The result was this image. He then later mixed that in with some satellite photography and came up with this image. Pretty neat! You’ll be able to read about it next month in an article he is preparing here next month.

update: for those interested, the original thread I found this on is here on LiftZone‘s forums: Show Me Your Launches!

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Jul 20 2004 ~ 7:00 pm ~ Comments (3) ~

Today is the 35th anniversary of the successful Apollo 11 moon landing. In honor, I suggest you check out this kick-ass full-screen Quicktime panorama of the moon and the Apollo landing craft.

There are still some conspiracy folks questioning “Was it faked?” but there are heaps of evidence that say “it was it real!” I think I’d have to side with the “NOT FAKED” camp on this one. Mostly because the science is there, and maybe just a bit because Buzz Aldrin throws a mean left-hook.

NASA has a nice gallery of Apollo 11 photos, and you should check them out. After that, why don’t you take a look to the heavens this evening (link to Louisville-specific data at, and wonder what it must have been like to be there on the moon.

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~ 12:33 pm ~ Comments (2) ~


class="External">Every day is Halloween in Harajuku.

links via MeFi, photo from here.

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Jul 19 2004 ~ 12:37 pm ~ Comments (11) ~

Charlie, Geoff and I did a little geocaching today at lunch with much better results than yesterday.

We hit 3 for 3 today. First up was Turn Where ? Was: Sams Club — the first in a Louisville-themed collection of caches where you are guided by the age-old method of “Do you remember where (some long-gone landmark USED to be) was?”. For example, the old White Castle on Bardstown Road, Shillito’s, The Sams Club… etc. The second was Camo 826 in the heart of the industrial park. The last was Charley the Cat, next to J-Town’s Little League park, Skyview. Down by the train track where the cache was, I think we may have interrupted a pair of locals in some sort of naughty business as when we approached they high-tailed it out of there blanket in hand. Charlie took some very nice photos indeed, and you can check them out in my geocaching gallery

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Jul 15 2004 ~ 1:00 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Last night we had a pretty powerful storm blow through town. The rain was one thing, but the powerful winds were quite another. Oldham County, to our east, has declared itself a disaster area. Some parts of Jefferson County namely the Highlands area didn’t fare quite so well either. My friend David Gruneisen went about today to shoot some photos (as is his style), and as per usual they are good and pick up on interesting detail. You should check out David’s Storm gallery and see what nature hath wrought upon the Highlands.

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Jul 14 2004 ~ 9:08 pm ~ Comments Off ~
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