
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

To quote Bobby Bare, Jr:

Chuck Berry, Chuck Berry, you wrote the only original song…we all still sing along.

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Jul 22 2003 ~ 4:31 pm ~ Comments Off ~

Northern State is a trio of white girls from NYC. The Pitchfork Media review was fairly harsh, but hey — white girl rap isn’t exactly on the minds of a lot of people. It is certainly different, yeah, and the feminist vibe is certainly present (props to “Hesta Prynn” for her name). It’s not for everyone, but they do have enough cred to open for The Roots back in the spring… You can download some clips and full songs here.

“Buy into our trap, and we’ll feed you to Venus…”

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Jul 18 2003 ~ 9:30 am ~ Comments Off ~

A buddy of mine at work and I were talking about whether or not we were still in a recession… and he linked me to this MSNBC article: Recession declared officially over. Hmm. Average recession: 11 months (roughly). Average span between recessions: 11 years. Sunspot cycle? 11 years. That’s damned creepy. Peep the NASA chart. I don’t make this stuff up. I’ve got corroborators.

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Jul 17 2003 ~ 2:37 pm ~ Comments Off ~

GameSpy ‘s History of the Nintendo Family Computer (ne’ NES). It turned 20 on the 15th of July! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome hasn’t been the same since! A good article on Nintendo’s humble beginnings making playing cards in the late 1800′s up through today…

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~ 10:54 am ~ Comments Off ~

from the Metafilter:

Oh, emails sent in rage. If I had a nickel every time I sent an email I regretted later on… possibly even minutes later, I could at least buy myself a soda. However, none of my emails stack up to the “Kelly Tripplehorn ‘You Suck’” email. Tripplehorn, a now ex-intern for U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (and a defensive tackle for the Amherst College football team) sent a ridiculously vicious email to a girlfriend that included such rousing verse as:

“Michele I am sorry, I don’t care how big of sadistic [f-bomb]ed up crush you have on me but people like me simple don’t date people like you.”

“But guess what Michele, you will never move up the ladder because I am at the top and people like me hate people like you.”

whew… just wait, there’s more!

“In the end, all I can say is that people love me and people hate you. You should observe me and take a few notes on how to make real friends.”

Oh man. Wow. That is just fan-tastic. And those quotes aren’t even out-of-context! The context is this: he’s a jackass!

This is almost better than that Peter Chung Asian hooker email, or perhaps even the Miss Kim’s Date has a small boat email, or the Doing Jack [S-bomb] for $2400 a week email or the…. geez. What is it with well to-do young folk and their lack of email scruples?

Oh, back to our boy “Tripplehorny” — check out a photo of him in The Washington Times (with complimentary article)! Nice Polo, jackass!

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Jul 16 2003 ~ 1:29 pm ~ Comments (6) ~

Readers, i give unto you Bullet-Time Ping-Pong on an Asian Gong-Show Like Show. it will not disappoint.

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Jul 15 2003 ~ 4:12 pm ~ Comments (4) ~

fuzz aldrin

This may be the best hamster name ever.

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~ 2:25 pm ~ Comments Off ~

From Yahoo News: Two Charged After Human Catapult Death

Yeah. Catapult? Oh no — they were firing PEOPLE with a TREBUCHET. Wow.

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~ 8:51 am ~ Comments (6) ~

Got an email from Interpol this morning (the band from New York, not the international crime agency). You may remember them from a number of posts involving them earlier in the year. In any case, they are touring yet again — a smaller fall tour, to which they’ll be pre-selling the Montreal, Toronto, Detroit and Chicago dates. Oh, and they redesigned their site. I liked the theme so much, I ripped it off. Note well that you can change your theme under “setup” on the lower right over there —–>

That is all. Enjoy your theme.

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~ 8:36 am ~ Comments Off ~

so, i was walking through the parking lot of a neighborhood Kroger grocery store today, and I saw a heavily-stickered car. Reading further, I saw quite a few religious statements of the Christian variety. Yes, the Darwin fish being eaten by the Truth fish (or maybe it was Jesus) — either way, Creationism was the ideal set forth. Right next to that was a large sticker stating:

[that we better get] “Back to the Bible, or it’s Back to the Jungle”.

Now, I don’t know what they intended by this “Jungle” thing.
This states that we were, at one time, in the jungle — like the apes that we didn’t come from due to evolution. Yeah. Ah well. Most cars don’t inspire such thought.

Thank you, giant-Christian-stickered-car!

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~ 12:05 am ~ Comments Off ~
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