
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

kill bill

Tarantino is following suit in his extremely lengthy production cycles, and has a trailer out for his next film — Kill Bill. After the one-two punch of Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown — both similar in theme and substance, this one is definitely different. Image Uma Thurman in a wire-fu with swords film, replete with a Carradine (“Kung-Fu”) cameo. Yeah. And nowhere is there a James Brown or Bobby Womack song to be heard (as of yet). A change of pace to be sure — but DAMN does Uma look hot with a sword.

Check the Kill Bill trailer @ Apple.

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Jan 17 2003 ~ 3:29 pm ~ Comments Off ~

At least BBSpot supports me in my assessment that Gimli was a bit of a clownshoe in the Two Towers. They make mention of it here and here.

In other (probably old) news — a funny summary of The Two Towers.

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~ 10:44 am ~ Comments Off ~


What is Zwan? Is it some horrible cross of a zebra and a swan thus creating a beautifully horrible winged beast that can camoflague itself in tacky salons? No, it’s actually what Billy Corgan has been up to since the Pumpkins broke up. after watching their vide for “Honestly” (their first single), it seems that Corgan went and got happy and such! It’s all crazy — Corgan happy, dogs and cats getting together, mass hysteria. Well, further research (g) led me to Poets of Zwan, a fansite, which told me that guitarist/bassist in Zwan is David Pajo of Louisville, formerly of Slint, formerly touring with Palace, and formerly of Tortoise, so despite this seemingly pop-happy turn for Corgan, it’s hard to not like it… but it’s all so damned chipper!

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Jan 16 2003 ~ 9:24 am ~ Comments Off ~

are we really all in fear of the plague? apparently CNN is. despite the fact that this broke only hours ago — CNN was johnny-on-the-spot with interviews with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and interactive bits called “What Is Plague?”. I wonder what else they have lying in wait — perhaps something about smallpox? certainly. ricin? oh, that one was done last week. sharks? certainly! don’t you remember SUMMER OF THE SHARK?! What about Japanese Balloon Bombs or Nazi’s peering through the Earth to spy on Britain and America! I can only imagine what something like that would invoke in the press today…

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Jan 15 2003 ~ 4:41 pm ~ Comments Off ~


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~ 4:19 pm ~ Comments Off ~


joined geoURL this morning . it’s a system setup to catalogue IP’s via their geographic longitude/latitude. (My ZIP code being 40220, my lat/long is 38.213693 N, 85.637118 W). You can find your own lat/long at the Censushandy Gazetteer site. Also, a handy tool is’s Mapper, which allows you to see satellite shots of the US and you can supply and find exacting lat/long (I found and tagged my house with this link).

There is apparently only two other sites registered near thelocust[dot]org, so get hoppin’ youse Louisville lugs!

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~ 9:35 am ~ Comments Off ~

check out the New Years 2002 gallery! Plenty of arse-slapping fun!

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Jan 13 2003 ~ 2:40 pm ~ Comments Off ~


well, at least the rumblings of who will run for president will probably start trickling in. already, we’ve heard that Al Gore won’t run in 2004, and with all this business surrounding Trent Lott there has been a bit of a shake-up in the Republican end of things as well. So who will be the candidates? I certainly hope John McCain is among them.

I watched a bit of the shout-fest that is “Hardball“, and attempted to choke back tears of laughter at the thought of Darrell Hammond as Chris Matthews while Senator John McCain was talking about this dividend tax absolution and foreign policy. McCain, even while being assailed with assinine questions from Matthews (i.e. after McCain repeatedly said that he would not state a position on a hypothetical bill – “If there was a compromise from Pres. Bush today that included a dissolution of the dividend tax, WOULD YOU SUPPORT IT?”), was cool under the verbal assault. I think his foreign policy is one that understands that we should act primarily as part of the concensus, and not always lead the way. His solution to the North Korean nuclear crisis, which he states is far graver a crisis than Iraq, is that North Korea’s neighbors (those within striking distance, i.e. Japan, China, S. Korea) should take a greater responsibility in the matter primarily, else the UN should be involved, and the US should act as part of the UN.

Yeah, he’s part of the political establishment, but he is less of a party-line-toter than most folks in Washington. Look at McCain-Feingold, for instance. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) hated that bill (note well his connection with ‘gays helped 9/11Jerry Fallwell) to the point of taking it to the Supreme Court. And any man who stands in opposition to McConnell is OK by me ;)

All I ask is someone who seems to think for himself, respects his constituency, and can pronouce “nuclear” as “new-clear”, not “new-cue-lahr”.

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Jan 8 2003 ~ 10:58 am ~ Comments Off ~
rainer maria

more from the rock front. yes, yes, i’m a pitchfork media whore, but I recently checked out their mp3 archive, and listened to just about every bit of it. well, if there had to be a winner in that battle of the bands, it would be Rainer Maria with Ears Ring. That is not to say there wasn’t heavy competition with Matt Pond PA, The Pattern, and local guys Instant Camera.

so far, my new years resolution to listen to more music is paying off…

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Jan 7 2003 ~ 9:56 am ~ Comments Off ~

played racquetball with m@. it’s been a long time since I had last played, and it was pretty strenuous. as m@ stated, “I think we’re pretty evenly matched”. methinks he’s like, read a book on this whole “racquetball” thing, ’cause he was making kill shots like mad. damned books. anyway, good times were had by all.

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~ 8:19 am ~ Comments Off ~
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