
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

i am loved.

we had a salesperson leave for another opportunity on Thursday, which prompted the client that he and I have been working with to get a little spooked. amidst their “are you all going under?” fears, they mentioned that “we really like working with ben, and would hate to see him go” (paraphrased). it’s nice to be loved :)

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Mar 28 2003 ~ 8:20 am ~ Comments Off ~

I hacked up camE, a handy and small webcam app for Linux a while back, and finally put the finishing touches on it tonight. Considering camE is written in C, I’m pretty happy I made it work! Najati helped me out quite a bit, tho’ I’m pretty sure he really just wanted another person that knows C/C++ so that they may enjoy the genius that is Citrus :)

Anyway, you can snag my patch here. Note well that my “home” webcam is now fully functioning in the manner that I would like it to…

In other news, I put MPy3‘s new code into CVS @ Sourceforge. This was prompted solely by Paul Jennings submission of a huge patchola (which is in the CVS) that cleans up MPy3 quite a bit. Word to your mother, Paul.

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Mar 26 2003 ~ 12:47 am ~ Comments Off ~

Rolling Stone just published their 5-star review of the White Stripes‘ Elephant. This review was penned by David Fricke, the same guy who gave Nirvana’s In Utero 4.5 stars (I think the Rolling Stone site has a misprint there — I distinctly remember 4 1/2 stars).

Now, I could lapse into total goofy gushing praise for Elephant, but I won’t. One way or another, you’ll hear about it. ROCK ROCK ROCK.

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Mar 25 2003 ~ 11:28 pm ~ Comments Off ~

woo yay!

I must say, b3ta has truly elevated the art of the animated GIF to a new level. (as evidenced by our sidebar there). b3ta’s board is essentially a photoshopping free-for-all without all the crap that Fark attracts. The folks on the board are genuinely appreciative of good work… and by “good work”, I of course mean cute photoshops of kittens and sheep. Heh.

btw — a “woo” and subsequent “yay” to Quelabra for his Decepticon anim

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~ 4:30 pm ~ Comments Off ~

I made a post about The Black Keys a while back, and I went to see them at the Southgate House in Cinci with Sleater Kinney back in February. So, if you’ve either read the blog or know me, then you’ve probably heard me crowing about them. The Black Keys are vehement about sticking to their roots and keeping it real for as long as they can (so much so that they turned down big-label offers to stick with the ultra-indie-blues Fat Possum Records). Part of this is soliciting help from their fans to create flyers and such for their shows. Well, I cranked out a couple today just for shizzles. Wanna see ‘em?

Flyer 1
Flyer 2
Flyer 3

The talented and (assumed) lovely webmaster Denise Grollmus called them “rad!”, and that made me giggle. Thanks Denise!

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Mar 21 2003 ~ 7:47 pm ~ Comments (1) ~

CNN is certainly setting the bar on use of 48-pixel font sizes pretty high these days. With headlines like
how could you not feel like starting a metal band? Watch out — here comes

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~ 8:30 am ~ Comments Off ~

From Gary in Japan:

(09:39:22) gary: have you been to
(09:39:43) ben: yup
(09:40:08) gary: DECAPITATION ATTACK
(09:40:18) gary: thats my new greeting
(09:40:25) gary: hi, how are you?
(09:40:30) gary: DECAPITATION ATTACK

A group of us, celebrating a one Jessica Slack‘s 22nd year on this earth, were interviewed by an AP reporter whilst at the Outlook Bar last night. Hunter sent me a link to an AP report mentioning Louisville, but none of us were quoted.

A small excerpt from Get Your War On:

Someday, when I’m driving through a reconstructed, democratic Baghdad in my Freedom Car, I will pause and ask, Did the U.S. Government say one true thing in justifying Operation < insert tought-ass name the we will soon learn here >?

And i will look up from counting ballots in Syria to reply, Who fuckin’ cares? It worked out, didn’t it?

And I will have to admit, it did indeed!


By the way, the name of this action is “Operation Desert Fox“. Yeah. Operation Rommel is in full effect.

One last note — I’m a big fan of Bendepedent (who is a regular poster at Killoggs). Anyway, that NBC/WAR image is his. Want more? Check out his original post, and give the boy his props. NFL, Nike, and Texaco are not spared, either.

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Mar 20 2003 ~ 9:20 am ~ Comments Off ~

i guess i got everything i expected out of tonight’s speech by President Bush. i got the same thing i’ve been hearing for the last 6 or so months. few, if any hard facts flying in the face of credible reports from UN inspectors. Now, thanks to this threat of war, the UN inspectors have been instructed to leave Iraq (as well as the UN Food-for-Oil folks).

Congresspeople on both sides of the aisle are kicking in support for our troops — and why shouldn’t they? The troops do vote, after all. I say we support our troops better by trying to get them the hell out of there, and not dying because of a squandered non-attempt at diplomacy.

Krikey. We’ve pushed away a good number of allies (in the UN and otherwise) that would have helped us with Iraq after we steam-roll over them. Our economy is flagging, talk of more tax-cuts are on the way, and this war and subsequent “re-stabilization” [attempt] is going to cost us a pretty, pretty penny that we just don’t have.

What the hell happens long-term? That’s what I’m truly worried about. I could care less if I have to shiver my way through a SEVERE terror alert, but if my children and children’s children have to live through international isolation and hatred… that is something I just can’t stand for. That’s all speculation, for sure! I don’t know whats going to happen… but I know that we aren’t appeasing anyone like Hitler. I know that North Korea and possibly Iran are far more feasible nuclear threats. I know that weapons inspections were continuing at an accelerated pace (albeit through increased military pressure). How will this all play out? I can’t say, but from my meager information, I don’t think that attacking Iraq is going to stop a terrorist from gaining WMDs and attacking America. War is not solved with war.

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Mar 18 2003 ~ 12:49 am ~ Comments Off ~

flew a my herring at lunch a little today! sporadic thermals, and a couple of multi-minute flights over the building. good stuff altogether.

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Mar 17 2003 ~ 12:20 pm ~ Comments Off ~

First up, a couple of NEW NEW NEW galleries! Saturday, the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in the Highlands was all that I hoped it could be! We met Geoff and Cabrina down near the Outlook (where she lives), and I was greeted in her English garden with a fistful of homemade beer (nummy!), and then we went up to the parade where we met Matt and Sara (and Kelly, who was waiting for me).

Later that very day, Kelly and I took a little stroll Down by the River. It was fun.

This morning you should…
watch the new Strongbad short, then play the
Trogdor Video Game!! “Stomp 10 Peasants to Achieve Burnination!”

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~ 8:37 am ~ Comments Off ~
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