whew! well, round 2 of the great reformation of theLocust.org is complete. Ok, so i don’t really have a plan about all this, but you now have the ability to list previous comments in the Gallery. Enjoy! Also, for the unattentive out there, new *Flash* animations on the tops of the pages. Yee-ha!
Ben Wilson
Ben Wilson
This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever. |
updated the gallery, added comment ability. It’s pretty sweet, if you ask me.
Well, the Official Windows 2000 Launch was yesterday, and Bill made his keynote speech, which for unbeknownst reasons included Patrick Stewart and Carlos Santana. Now, i can understand Jean Luc being there, as having fallen under the Borg before, but Santana? What the hell. Oh well, view the speech here. Goto the end (at about 1:25) to see Patrick and Carlos.
The new, faster, better Gallery is currently up and running! Not only are there now thumbnails, but the image sizes a 10x smaller! Enjoy. I’m planning on adding a ‘caption’ function, where you can change the caption for each different picture. Yee-ha.
Check out this Furious George game. My favorite is the ‘commit atrocity’ button. Hilarious Monkey Hijinx!
Gary has come up with some ideas for t-shirts for thelocust.org, as his father is the proud owner of a t-shirt making device.
Check ‘em here.
I haven’t seen this commercial, but DAMN if this isn’t the finest in old-school parodies. Its the Superfriends WASSUP ad.
It’s a tough job
This is absolutely hilarious. I thought i would post it. It’s the Cat Herders commercial from the SuperBowl. HA!
View it here.
Added a link for USER SITES! If you would like your description and/or name of site changed, email me.